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Everything posted by meazza

  1. So will my wife not be getting a grant then?
  2. Yeah keep slapping your head if that makes you think you have a point.
  3. You are a stats master my friend.
  4. But if you remove HA, True Blue Bill and Joey Balls, it actually is highly intelligent.
  5. But in all seriousness I don't know if the government will have any money left over after Holcomb's eugenics program and Bungee Jumpers trial for comments made against the American people.
  6. Wow, you seriously are a retard.
  7. No, like I said I donate out of my own pocket and would rather it be privately funded.
  8. Not really. I donate money from my own pocket for cancer research, given that I lost a member of my family to it, but it goes beyond that. Something someone retarded like you could probably never understand.
  9. Good comeback Now let me go back to writing rants about why the government should protect me...
  10. Another retard in the making?
  11. Get off the !@#$ing ledge.
  12. The nice thing is, you have 7 more matches to make up for it.
  13. Anyone who could lift 500 pounds and do it silently is pretty strong.
  14. My brother had the 1988 non turbo model. That thing did more mileage in the back of a tow truck than it did on its own lol
  15. You still have it . It hasn't rusted like most Japs do lol.
  16. Which is the price of a high end SUV. I didn't say it was a cheap car, but to say that the guy was rich because he bought a sports car.
  17. And I doubt a rich guy will have a hard time buying a Mustang.
  18. Yeah because everyone likes to burn money. Anyways he did pop the clutch.
  19. Wow, way to exagerate everything.
  20. Maybe. But why would someone who is this way (pedophile) choose the Catholic church as a cover? Because he knows that rather than get persecuted, he'll get relocated?
  21. Tell me, how many 'representative figures' of each religion get caught molesting little boys and girls? I don't know if I ever heard of a Rabii(sp) or Reverand getting caught doing these kind of things.
  22. lol I have been nothing but respectful towards the swords. I make fun of the Leafs fans since they always talk sh-- about the Habs. I mean, hey it is true, there were 6 teams back then, but even when the league expanded, the Habs still got some rings.
  23. Heh, good point. But we are in modern times. If Rabbi's (sp) can get married, why not Priests?
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