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Everything posted by meazza

  1. The one that plays harder to get.
  2. I know. Was just saying.
  3. Well we do something, keep the peace, and get killed by our own allies
  4. What about Stalin? Should he be proud too?
  5. What you don't realize is that Canada actually does help it's southern neighbor. Like I said in my other post, there are Canuck soldiers dying every day from Afghan suicide bombers. What do you expect us to do with this pathetic military?
  6. Because Conservatives tend to be more hard line and seem to have a tougher stance on the terror issue.
  7. Which is exactly what Borat was trying to show.
  8. Nah that's harsh. I don't have a mean bone in my body.
  9. Ok stop being a B word. I'm sorry for calling you a retard.
  10. Really... Really Lame. I expect more from you.
  11. I bikeride to work.
  12. I smell someone as intelligent as a telephone pole.
  13. So you're like these guys http://youtube.com/watch?v=PpurQ60Uu2o Basically they're singing, "If you don't jump, you're a fascist"
  14. So you're advocating eugenics You did get over a C in your stats classes right
  15. Well Spanish/Arab is so close to the English language.
  16. Well.. the alternative for oil part? What's wrong with that How can children have abortions? How can children have children? Raising minimum wage creates unemployment, more than it does inflation.
  17. Whatever you want to call it
  18. You obviously don't know your statistics. Stick to your physics Tom
  19. Oh please, you'd hit it, and so would I.
  20. The hottest trailer park trash you'll ever find.
  21. What I said was a result of me not having my coffee. Now that I had my coffee, I feel a lot more relaxed. No I really don't care what happens on this bloody continent anymore.
  22. Wow, good one. Can't justify what you said so you come up with petty insults?
  23. Not really. I could care less.
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