It's not about being optimistic or pessimistic. It's about taking a step back and saying, if i wasn't a bills fan, what would i think about their level of competitiveness? The outlook is not good. You could say all you want about being patient and what not and I have been patient since I have watched the Bills since I was a fan a long long time ago.
The problem is that it's always the SAME problems. To me JP Losman isn't the answer, and a team reflects your QB. To me this offensive line is below average, and that reflects on how good your QB will be. The only thing positive on this team is the defense and well, even that has been sh------- from time to time.
I don't know if they will be good next year or not, but the way things are going now, losing sucks. Watching football is fun, cheering for your team is fun but when they don't even look like they care sometimes, it drains you.