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Everything posted by meazza

  1. http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/pe...param=bio&id=22 Righttttt
  2. Published by EC-Bills and Edited by DC Tom. It will make millions i tell ya.
  3. When you going to release your "How i scored with Lana2k" book?
  4. Sucks don't it, and they did it with Joey Blue Skies.
  5. Give her a chance dude, she'd make a good wife for you
  6. He got a VIP membership
  7. Yes a sovereign nation within a country. Basically Harper is saying, "hey thanks frenchies for voting for me, I'll give you something that means nothing" since Quebec wants to be a totally sovereign nation. To rephrase, nothing has changed.
  8. Since I live there, yeah I would be unhappy if they did but seeing as they voted 3-4 !@#$ing years ago that they won't separate and that it's just a few vocal people who keep bringing it up, I'm not worried.
  9. You have solved the riddle.
  10. Ahh ignorance
  11. Maybe he didn't have to dip into the principal if he wouldn't have to spend the money he made paying Johnny Cochran to keep his acquitted ass out of jail.
  12. Ryan Leaf>Kirk>Furbies>Helen Keller>Quebec>Swift Sylvan>Meazza>Scientology>Honda Fits>/dev/null
  13. Ryan Leaf>Furbies>Helen Keller>Quebec>Swift Sylvan
  14. Until last week, if someone would have called me a "cracker", I would have never thought it was a racial insult... come to think of it I still don't. Even if someone calls me a wop, i don't. People are too !@#$ing sensitive.
  15. Happy Thanks Giving my American friends.
  16. Which is probably a pre-requisite for a character as bizarre as Cosmo Kramer.
  17. He wants someone with clean healthy lungs.
  18. Because you are cracker ass
  19. Actually there is a comeback for someone calling me a racist. You call them an idiot. Who gives a flying !@#$? People are willing to throw out labels like that, !@#$ em.
  20. TSW conspiracy continues
  21. I don't know if Ed's hitting on Scott got him anywhere.
  22. You two have taken an innocent pubes shaving thread a bit too far. For shame
  23. They should both borrow T.O's publicist.
  24. I put the same link in my thread.
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