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Everything posted by meazza

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070107/ap_on_...el_iran_nuclear
  2. And it still works Happy birthday.
  3. How did Monica Lewinsky not make that list?
  4. Some people really have way too much time on their hands, and I ironically say this while wasting my time reading such a dumbass topic
  5. Try getting a proxy off a Canadian connection. Don't ask me how since I have no idea but I'm sure it could be done.
  6. Lock her up and throw away the key.
  7. What Patrick Roy thinks of JR
  8. I don't think it's protectionism rather than perhaps, the "right" to broadcast the feed in the US. I'm not too sure on the legalities from it but perhaps, TSN can also only afford to broadcast it in Canada since allowing it to be broad casted in the US would kill their bandwidth. Again, I'm just guessing here.
  9. Where would you guys rank Stevey Y in terms of top hockey players of all time?
  10. I agree, the fan chants are fun to be around and the environment. I'm guessing it is different in Italy in the curves since the fans are setting sh-- on fire and using tear gas and what not.
  11. Yeah. Noone is forcing anyone to watch the world juniors. I'm a big NFL fan but rarely follow NCAA closely because I have no ties to it. It probably works the same way for those who don't watch the world juniors, but do you see me shitting on every NCAA thread because I don't watch it? Once again good job Mill, S&J and the rest. Go Canada & Carey Price
  12. Happy Birthday
  13. The plot thickens
  14. The punting section? Do you mean the "endzones"? If yes, you do realize that is where all the violence occurs
  15. Yes seriously, you need not apologize. Thank you for the coverage.
  16. Save your money and go to a Champions League game if possible. I have a friend who went and told me it was one of the greatest games he's ever seen.
  17. Because like a true Jedi, he must only use his powers for good.
  18. This reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Homer got stuck in the slide at Krusty's waterslides. This is a sign that it's time to hit the gym.
  19. Yet there is a big brick road in their way. Carey Price is on fire. Should be a good matchup.
  20. Since I just got this job, I avoid the BOTD threads altogether until I get home. Thanks
  21. For me, diminishing the amount of junk food I eat. If I do that I should be fine.
  22. Ortiz tried to take him down several times and even when Ortiz had Liddell in a takedown, Liddell got up like Ortiz was his backpack.
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