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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Good to know. Come and call me when these jap cars have massive engine problems due to blown headgaskets, defective water pumps and burn or leak close to a liter a week of oil. And I'm pretty sure if you were to do a search for all the recalls, you'd get a sh-- load from each car company, but I guess I won't use the lessons my friends/family members who work in the industry who tell me that jap cars are solid, i'll trust some idiot with a bias on the internet.
  2. Not for anything but if something like this would happen to you, you'd be too concerned with the well-being of your child to be concerned at all with revenge.
  3. But what if it's icy all the time like where I live? Are you talking about full scale hibernation?
  4. When it's like that, get out of your car and walk.
  5. I'm also a congressman.
  6. Since we all know that recalls only happen to Toyota's I'm not worried about a component that is fixed by the manufacturer. I'm more worried of a broken engine component that will not be covered under the warranty after 3 years.
  7. In other news, the US post office has been working non-stop to get gift baskets from men all over the world to Jenna Jameson's house.
  8. I'm not a religious person but I have gone through the same thing you just went through and I don't wish it upon anyone. My thoughts are with you, my condolences.
  9. It's a good story. I'm happy to hear that you managed to overcome so much adversity.
  10. Since when did being an NFL superstar require being a good person. I could care less what the player does off the field as long as it is not too extreme. If the guy wants to father 3 babies with 3 different women, well it's his problem.
  11. A 24 hour movie That's going to be a bit long to watch
  12. Tony would have a panic attack before he even picked up the gun.
  13. You have been forgiven.
  14. It's -15 degrees celcius. Feels like -25 with the wind chill. I miss global warming
  15. Don't get me wrong. I liked the season, merely because Sopranos is by far my favorite show out there but I don't think anything spectacular will happen in the last part of the season. A mob war between Jersey and NYC would be suicide. Like 24, I don't know how the directors could end it in a satisfying way.
  16. I'm predicting it can't possibly be anymore boring than season 6.
  17. I plugged my XBOX 360 to my big screen. The 51 inch screen only does 480p. I can't afford to buy a new TV unless I decide to move out so I guess i'll stay stuck with the old generation TV's. I'll live. On another note, I've played a few of the action games on 360 and TBH, I really don't like them. I bought Fight Night 3 and Fifa 2007 and have spent most of my xbox time playing those online.
  18. I didn't know he was that kind of guy Brokeback 24.
  19. It would help if he actually knew how to speak Arab.
  20. Even her own bf was telling her she's a lib-tard
  21. Wayne doesn't look like a president though. I keep picturing him doing a state of the union address in a Tupac t-shirt And how about that Manning. Did he not look like Peyton Manning trying to read a Belichik defense when he got shot. He truly had teh Manning face
  22. I'm sick of Wayne's sister. Total filler. And another crooked assistant to the president? Have the Palmer's not learned enough about treachery
  23. I avoid the previews. I don't want any spoilers
  24. I'd wait. Watch all 5 seasons and then download season 6.
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