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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Nina was alright. She was like the girl on Seinfeld who only looked good in different shades of light. But I understand Jack cheating on Teri with Nina. Next to Teri Bauer, even Karen Hayes looks good. And is anyone noticing the Jack chick count. So he's a ladies man as well?
  2. Try giving George St-Pierre your "input".
  3. I personally think Karen Hayes had no balls. Walks away after a simple threat. She should have just told Wayne Palmer what had transpired. Nigga please.
  4. So I guess there is one less bleeding heart liberal in the white house.
  5. You'd think the dude would want to bulk up being a superhero and all. He came and eat at a restaurant where my cousin is a waiter and he ate 3 shrimp, a piece of bread and a potato.
  6. She was fine in the Fresh Prince though.
  7. I really don't enjoy watching this show week by week.
  8. What's funny is, this girl will probably get caught. I mean, if her husbands a football fan, chances are he checks out cnnsi.com.
  9. Although Grant's a Leaf's fan, he is quite cautious about gloating since he knows in general the Leafs suck (that's as nice as i'll get for a leafs fan)
  10. Jenna has a cereal Motion picture soundtrack? Wtf. Is it of her moaning?
  11. Why go into politics if you're not going to get some booty.
  12. I'm pretty sure Paris has been banged less than Jenna. I mean, she is one of the richest porn stars, she didn't make that money making documentaries.
  13. Lanak6 has a cool looking kitty.
  14. I don't think any married girl can turn that down.
  15. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writ...spot/index.html 1. Sex sells: Doesn't it always? One young woman calling herself "Miami bound girl" is offering what she coyly bills as "Indecent Proposal: a night with ME for SuperBowl Tickets." (OK, that's not really coy.) She says that she wants tickets to surprise her fiancé, and stresses that she is "not selling sex!" Then again, she adds hopefully: "Hell, if I am drunk enough ... and you are cute enough ... maybe we will hit it off and be romantic." Don't worry, fellas, there's a picture included. The only catch is that this has to be a "secret" because her fiancé "would be upset if he knew how I got the tickets." Don't worry, we'll keep this just between us. Who the hell would give up tickets to the superbowl for a date with a girl that may or may not be good looking, and as well might not even put out? What's even worse, she will get her tickets and not even put out.
  16. Bills4life is nice to people he doesn't even know.
  17. This guy is hilarious.
  18. Cable lady has a really hot daughter.
  19. Which username would that be?
  20. Taterhill is an inspiration to us all.
  21. Ncdawg has a great avatar.
  22. It's colder here. Around -31F.
  23. Followed by a banishment to hell.
  24. I was thinking the same thing as well.
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