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Everything posted by meazza

  1. In your opinion, do you think theses events can be avoided? It always seems to be the same thing, big firms take on massive amounts of leverage, and then when lenders begin to demand more collateral after a crisis, it sparks a fire sale of assets. It happened similarly to Long Term Capital Management about a decade ago.
  2. Yes but isn't it already too late? Seems as if the markets already took a big hit as it is as confidence seems to be at an all time low. Even though Bear didn't go bankrupt, they lost almost 50$ a share in the last two weeks.
  3. You're right, now all these firms are going to take on even more amounts of risk because they know the Fed will bail them out. Actually what am I talking about? What bail out, Bear Sterns just got ruined. Oh well, being in Canada and all it will only affect me in a couple of months.
  4. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1205745619...pecial_coverage Looks like there could be more to come...
  5. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1205695986...pecial_coverage wow
  6. And what if a left winger thinks you're an idiot, are you still doing something right?
  7. I don't know much about the area but is that the most populated place in Virginia? My guess would be yes. If this guy had a mission, chances are he would have went through with it whether it be a school or another populated area. An example would be this guy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimveer_Gill. He had plans to shoot up to 6 schools. He chose that one because it was one of the most populated, and if his plan failed, there was a mall right next to it (where the old forum was) and had plenty of targets. Luckily in this case, the police were already in the area arresting some junkies and shot him before it got out of hand. There is no way you could prevent this kind of thing from happening IMHO.
  8. Yet your country is still full of sh-- I don't mean the whole country, but Paris has gone down the shithole. I know plenty of people who are from there, in fact, my brothers boss lives in France and comes to Canada to check on his businesses. Obviously, if you are wealthy, you are shielded from it, but overall, France isn't the nicest place to live. Unless you live in Monaco
  9. I study senshido, which is a new form of situational self-defense. It combines street fighting and other forms of martial arts, but I do it mostly to stay in shape since I'm a fat bastard. Well Montreal isn't exactly the most violent of places. I feel pretty comfortable going pretty much anywhere especially since I live in a mostly Italien neighborhood, but most of the violence comes from Haitien gang related violence and bikers. The only real form of crime that my family experienced was, once my pregnant sister n law was walking out of a store, when a guy pulled out of nowhere a knife to her belly. She nervously gave her his money and he left.
  10. True. The information is there because people want to see it. As long as there are people buying it, they will continue to sell it. Morals be damned.
  11. Have you ever been in a situation where your life is in danger? Obviously it is very difficult to think or act rationally in this kind of situation. Everything happens too fast, do you really think the average person will act rationally in this situation and actually take out the right target?
  12. Obviously. It's easy using a gun when there is no pressure. Same thing as learning a martial art. Great for when you're in the ring, or in a controlled environment, but confront someone when your life is in danger and that all goes out the window. Of course, if you've been through training for let's say, the military, then it's a different story.
  13. Because what it does is shows any other freak that if they want to get a message across, this is the way.
  14. Thank you o spelling master
  15. It's a demo. He'll sort out the bugs soon enough.
  16. I actually just saw a CBC report in which they said they wouldn't show the video because they feel it encourages more people to do this kind of stuff. There you go SNR, you agree with Canadiens. Prepare to be chasticized by crayonz.
  17. I'm not assuming. I know that if I want a firearm, being in Canada where it is hopelessly regulated, I still could get my hands on one. The difference is, I don't need it.
  18. Pretty boring standing in front of your door holding a shot gun in your hand. Fact is, most people who own firearms don't even know how to use them.
  19. If you know someone that sells weed, you can get your hands on a gun.
  20. Yes I do. RIP Johnny Sac.
  21. You're totally right. I say 2 or 3 years in jail just for bringing a fake gun to school. If you're going to threaten peoples lives, at least do it properly.
  22. Generally the reason most people focus their attention on these type of events is because schools are where parents send their children to learn and be safe. Of course that is ideal, bad things can happen anywhere, but it just seems as if this sort of "taking revenge on former schoolmates" is becoming more and more popular. It's happened 3 times in my city alone, and already today, some kid brought a fake gun to school just so he could scare everyone and get attention.
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