When the subprime fallout was announced back in August, every part of the world was hit. For example, 5 out of 6 of Canada's major chartered banks were hit due to holding asset backed commercial paper tied to loans linked to the US. This on its own caused the ABCP market to be frozen at a value of about 30 B.
Now this did affect other people outside of the main management of each bank including the bank i work for (brokerage arm) as i know a lot of people who lost their that don't even know what commercial paper or subprime loans are. Now considering the bank I work for employs close to 20 000 people, and it has affected us in a big way without even being a company that deals directly with subprime loans, imagine another major crash as GG mentioned before.
In the end though, these loans will not be recoverable, Bear Sterns will still be sold for scraps but at least it is done gradually to keep investors from totally going into a panic. There is almost so much the central bank can do.