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Everything posted by meazza

  1. They were but frustration just got to them. In New York, you have close to 6 franchises. In Montreal, we have one and it's all you hear about.
  2. Because they haven't been good since 1993. Because there is only hockey here. Because baseball is boring. A bunch of reasons, people like hockey here. Everyone is on the bandwagon, look at what flames fans were doing after each playoff series.
  3. Well sadly there are. But of course let's paint the same brush on 3 million people for the acts of about 50 people...
  4. I was at that game. Most of the people were having a good time partying in the streets. Of course the police should be better prepared to deal with the hooligans if we make it out of this series.
  5. Game 5 was horrible. Game 6 on the other hand, most of the goals he had no chance on. Of course don't forget game 7 where he simply stole the show. 2 shutouts in 1 playoff series? We'll see how he does...
  6. No he's the first coming of Carey Price. Gold Medal winner and MVP, Calder Cup winner and MVP. I don't expect him to win the cup this year but he has been solid except for perhaps one game out of the entire Bruins series. Keep cheering for Huet, he's not a bad guy, but Gainey made the right choice.
  7. Yep, and it's over now. Oh well, farewell Huet, we hardly knew yee. Price doesn't have to make miraculous saves, his positioning is just solid... but let's see how he does against Mike Richards and co.
  8. And was he at all clutch against Washington? Sometimes stats don't say the real story.
  9. Price will take care of them
  10. Take his revenge? Maybe if he won a playoff series once in his life, he'd get that done...
  11. Ha Maybe when i move higher up I'll get those kind of advantages!
  12. Well to download pics to my pc and ringtones and such. I'm cheap, i didn't get a data plan because I don't really need to check my email outside of when i'm home and i got the phone because it was free
  13. I got the same one. I've been having some issues with it though and I might return it with my warranty. When i plug it into my PC and then do a safely remove, my computer freaks out and it shuts down. Also, the time/date seems to be reset every time i plug it into my pc.
  14. Zdeno Giant? Alex Kovalev?
  15. Or this Ladies and gentlemen, the true class of the NHL
  16. I think pretty much most big brokers are long bear sterns credit...
  17. He did but I managed to narrowly escape No no I work a lot more and I am studying for a designation so it's taking up a lot of time... but I'm going down south for a week as my plane is leaving in 4 hours
  18. Actually this is being done in Canada too in a similar sense. The junk loans are repackaged and re-sold as long term floating bonds (typically LIBOR or CDOR + fixed rate). IF the Fed is doing this then they are going pay interest to whoever buys these repackaged loans and provide some liquidity to an essentially valueless instrument.
  19. That !@#$ing chant gets on my !@#$ing nerves.
  20. I think i've found a website where a warrior like you has a voice http://www.prisonplanet.com/
  21. Ovechkin may be a European but he has the heart of a Canadian.
  22. And ironically he's on trial for multiple stabbings...
  23. It's well written tbh. There were many doomsday predictions with respect to the stock market but I don't think anyone had as much credibility as this guy.
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