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Everything posted by meazza

  1. And then what happened after that? Oh, later on, investors got together and made the product affordable. Yet the reason why the average joe can put himself in massive debt to buy himself an escalade, an LCD TV with HD. All this stuff a long time ago was out of reach, but eventually when one dude figured out how to make it cheap, well everyone had access to it. Eventually the same sh-- will happen with alternative fuel sources, and if it doesn't then we as a society have failed to advance ourselves and are doomed to extinction.
  2. Nono Jobber parts are parts that body shops buy that are replicas since the originals cost like 5 times more...
  3. She probably buys jobber parts.
  4. The GL 500 is nice, hits 0-60 pretty quickly for a 4 ton 100K truck.
  5. Mercedes is a not for profit organization
  6. A true candidate for a Nobel Prize.
  7. Eventually with competition, that does happen. See technology for the last 2000 years. Of course, initially R&D costs are high and those need to be covered.
  8. I'm sure a CEO of any company would get a round of applause as he announces to his shareholders, "I'm not doing this for profit, I'm doing this for the people!"
  9. Actually wouldn't corporations find a way to produce it and make it more cost-effective over time so that even us common folk in Kanata could buy one?
  10. Soros speaks : http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/5dbd0ffe-30ef-11...0077b07658.html
  11. Because they only sing the anthems of the teams that are there...
  12. http://www.economist.com/opinion/displaySt...atures_box_main
  13. And soon, Roma will be owned by George Soros
  14. I didn't mean the bottom scraps. I mean even the mid clubs team for we'll exclude Milan this year because that was a fluke, Fiorentina is a strong team, Palermo? Amauri, one of the most underrated Brazilians who will make his mark now that he is going to be play for Juve. Anyways in Italy they think more about the league than anything which is why Inter acts like the best club in the world even though they only won the league. For me though, it does bother me that the best clubs are just loaded with immigrants which is why I support Roma. Full of local boys ready to play for their club. Anyways it doesn't matter at this point, because the next footy match I will watch will be Holland vs Italy in game # 1 of the group of death.
  15. Yes dem words is hard to read. http://www.goal.com/en/Risultati.aspx?idTorneo=102 http://www.goal.com/en/Risultati.aspx?idTorneo=108 Ok these are the tables. Now looking at the tables, I know most of these clubs and they each play some pretty good soccer. Do you really know for a fact that the bottom english clubs could beat the bottom italian clubs? Are you really that sure of yourself? Offensively ambitious? So tactics means nothing right? I mean if a club could come out against an obvious favorite and steal a point, they won't because they have to be offensively ambitious to impress the viewers?
  16. The best team on paper is Bayern Munich. Next year, they will destroy the competition.
  17. And who won it last year? Who has the most?
  18. Regardless, he was saying that the english league is a step above. How does that make sense? If you look at the quality of talent, they are pretty much spread out between the top 3 of each league. Especially now that Ronaldhino is going to Milan...
  19. Why, because you're a glory hunter
  20. Shouldn't be too hard to beat a team who couldn't even qualify for the Euro.
  21. Correction, the best domestic leagues right now are England Spain and Italy. England is not the best, regardless of the mass marketing everyone is exposed to.
  22. He got injured and went back to Brazil. He released a statement saying he would never play for Milan ever again.
  23. He doesn't play for MIlan anymore.
  24. Even if he's a rat of a flyer. I !@#$ing hate RJ Umberger. We should have went and get Campbell just to knock him out. 8 goals in 5 games,
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