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Everything posted by meazza

  1. The average person wouldn't take stock recommendations from a guy who drives a Honda Fit, as would a guy not take weight training advice from a guy who is obese.
  2. It doesn't bother me but I'm allowed to find something stupid.
  3. Did he stay in line overnight in front of a BMW dealer to get one?
  4. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/5773a770-5106-11...0077b07658.html
  5. I'm starting to think playing defensive was the only real way to beat Spain as that counter attack would have decimated us if we didn't...
  6. Chiellini more than made up for the loss of Cannavaro. Donadoni has no excuse. If he stays on, I hope he learned his lesson.
  7. It depends. I mean the Italians won 4 WC and 1 EC as well as numerous CL titles with the mentality they are used to. It's just there is a difference on the type of coach implementing it. In WC 2006 when confronting Germany, even though we played defensive, we still knew how to attack. Lippi was a genius at this and he was a genius at it with Juventus. On the other hand, Donadoni seemed to play scared (ala Arrigo Sacchi) and told his midfields not to move up too much. How can you play that style with guys like Aquilani and De Rossi in the midfield who have played lights out for Roma this year? We weren't the weaker team, but we played like we were. I think if Lippi comes back we will have a better showing in 2010. Del Piero is useless. He has and always will be unless he's wearing the black and white. Luca Toni ripped through the Bundesliga this year. No reason he shouldn't be able to score goals... but maybe having support from Ribery and Klose were the big difference? Pirlo is getting old. De Rossi/Aquilani are more than capable of moving up that midfield. Cassano is still one of the most talented in Italy. Although a young crop of players will be moving up soon like Giovinco and that will help for 2010, but it has to start with the coach. All in all, at least we knocked out the french I don't know about rules whether they have to stop the play or not.
  8. Actually the catenaccio started from Ariggo Sacchi's era of 1994 to 2004. The difference is, Italians did not have any good players for that era that could score outside of Baggio. This time it was just crap.
  9. That was crap. Donadoni referred to the tactics of previous Italian coaches and deserved to go out. Yes Pirlo was missed but I don't think we can't win without him. We didn't play like this in 2006 and it's the reason we won. Congrats to the Spaniards.
  10. Yes and no. For sure they have some players who will surely get recruited by some clubs this summer. I think the motivating factor is their coach though. Gus Hiddink has brought out 300% from all his players. Korea in 2002 (although the refereeing scandal ruined it). Australia 2006 and now Russia 2008. He will probably be gone after the summer and I don't know if another coach could get them to play at that level again.
  11. Yes. He's Roman for life. Actually the entire midfield should be Roman. De Rossi Aquilani and Perrotta. Watch out for Cassano, clearly one of the most talented forwards in Europe.
  12. Torres worries me because he plays for Liverpool. Winning mentality there. Totti has taken his retirement from International Football, but anyways he had season ending surgery in May.
  13. Alright. I can't wait for the game tomorrow. Torres worries me a lot. David VIlla not so much.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the third goal offisde? I really feel bad for Holland though. They saved Italy from being humiliated... Appreciate the support for the Azzurri.
  15. I have a lot of respect for Marco Van Basten but Gus Hiddink is among the elite.
  16. I've never seen a ref do that, change his mind after showing a card... Wow.
  17. lol Once Luca Toni finds the net we will be fine. But of course I can brag all I want being world champs and all for another 2 years. Cheers
  18. I guess group stage form doesn't necessarily mean knock out stage form. Gus Hiddink has been here before and it shows.
  19. Regardless of who's left, the final is destined to be Italy - Germany.
  20. You forget that Huntelaar, Van Persie and Robben are all on the bench. Not exactly low caliber players there...
  21. And yet the only goal they scored in the whole group was from a dumb error. And yet they even got lucky by having a goal disallowed that even the ref admitted was onside.
  22. That's some ugly sh-- right there.
  23. Time? We don't have time! We need to force a radical change now. Subsidize!
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