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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Depends, how much taxes do you mind paying for t+ infinity?
  2. I think the true method of preventing these kind of crisis' in the derivatives market is if you make sure that the people affected and around them truly have a full understanding of these instruments. The only curriculum I know that goes into detail with complex derivatives in Canada is the CFA curriculum. I did not learn much about these products in university...
  3. You were right about AIG. Morgan is on the block... you think Goldman (gasp) has a possibility of being a victim?
  4. You forgot to put, "Hi my name is Obama and I approve this post"
  5. Bookstabber wrote about that in his book http://search.barnesandnoble.com/A-Demon-o...e/9780471227274 for which he uses a cover that you would think would be a Robert Langdon story.
  6. Another institution that is too big to fail. AIG bailed out. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/271257f2-83f1-11...0077b07658.html
  7. I'm not going to begin debating with you the war on Iraq as that has been debated for the last 8 years. What I do know is that difficult decisions were made that may have been right or wrong but I personally don't think either party would have acted differently. Of course since they probably say they would've (since it's easy to speak when you're not in that position), then i'll take your word for it and say it's Bush's fault. (Guess which smily I want to put)
  8. Me thinks that the numbers would be a tad skewed due to the fact that the US has been at war for 8 !@#$ing years.
  9. *Raises Hand* I got quizzed on it during an interview.
  10. Well it's drizzling outside... I'm actually just simply trying to preserve capital because I'm trying to buy a condo. I don't have any free money to risk atm and if there is a way to make a risk free 20%, I would do it. But since I don't know, and since I'm not paying you to play with my money, I'll stick to preserving my cash.
  11. Soccer clubs are amongst the most profitable second only to the NFL I believe...
  12. It's not just one sector of the market, it's what that sector is. Financials like I said before are supposed to be bulletproof. Safe bets that fluctuate a little not go bellyup previously having a value of 170 USD last year now having a value of 10$ (BSC US Equity). At the moment I simply buy stocks of the bank I work for with my employee plan (which is minimal), and invest in Money Market and T-Bills just because I'd rather stay indoors as the storm washes away all the garbage...
  13. Man Utd is the richest club in soccer and for one player was offered 90 Million Euros...
  14. Is it? I wouldn't put a penny in anything anymore the way things are going. Merryl, Bear and Lehman are gone and ther will be more as the time passes. The financial sector up until last year was bulletproof...
  15. Why should they? It's the truth. The biggest worry is the effect on derivatives markets, particularly the giant one for credit-default swaps. Lehman is a top-ten counterparty in CDSs, holding contracts with a notional value of almost $800 billion. On Sunday, banks called in their derivatives traders to assess their exposures to Lehman and work on mitigating risks. The Securities and Exchange Commission, Lehman’s main regulator, said it is working with the bank to protect clients and trading partners and to “maintain orderly markets”.
  16. http://www.economist.com/finance/displaySt...atures_box_main My favorite magazine.
  17. Goldman? Citi? UBS? Who knows...
  18. Who knows? Eventually things will get back to normal, but what will it look like on the other side?
  19. Are there non-practicing homosexuals? Wouldn't that just be someone who's straight? Are you really this stupid?
  20. What are stupid people for 1000$ Alex? I know plenty of people my age who make as much as I do yet drive nicer cars, have nice condos and more expensive hookers. The trick is, not to be dumb like them. Of course because of this mess, every Canadian bank is in a shell waiting for the storm to pass which will make it harder for someone like me to get a better job until that happens.
  21. What about the consumers who put themselves into massive debt that they knew they couldn't pay back?
  22. http://www.economist.com/finance/displaySt...atures_box_main Good article on the situation.
  23. I misread your statement originally which is why I disagreed with you. After re-reading it, I agree with you.
  24. The auto makers that are suffering didn't really do much to out do the Japanese in terms of reliability and fuel efficiency... so why shouldn't they suffer?
  25. Thanks for the info. I actually work with corp actions for institutional clients/prime brokerage here in Montreal and our clients like to mostly invest in US Equity. For now...
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