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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Depends. Are any of them black because a mixed interracial gay couple surprisingly raises market values for homes.
  2. Strangely when 50 cent moved into my neighborhood the value increased.
  3. You're right. No more black candidates! They clearly bring poverty everywhere they go.
  4. I agree that it is a message but the bottom line is people don't shut the door completely on spending and companies stop profitable projects because they can't borrow any money.
  5. We don't necessarily have to be out of control to keep consumption at a normal level. It's just that the second people make a bit of money, it's already gone on a fancy new car or god knows what. I'll give you an example. I post on an analystforum for people doing their MBA or CFA as well as other finance degrees. There was one guy who posted about a year ago. He said, "Last year, I was making 280 K as an Ibanker but I lost my job due to being involved with one of the big banks (hint Bear) and now I have no money left because I have no job. What do I do?" How does someone who makes 280 K which is about 5 times my salary go from that much to zero so quickly? How does one not save at all? You don't have to put away 280 K but FFS, put that 100K aside a year and you'll be pretty fine for a rainy day.
  6. Welcome to the American dream.
  7. If you're in debt, by all means pay it off. The interest rate cut is to prevent a complete cut-off of spending. The fed isn't telling you what to do, it's just trying to stimulate whatevers left of the market. If most people put themselves in debt again because of a small interest rate cut, then their !@#$ing morons and will always be morons.
  8. The rate cuts are for companies to spend on production, you know so they can hire employees, increase consumption etc. If everybody drastically starts saving, the market will crash even more, which will cause stock values to go down which will cause more panic. Jesus Christ open a book.
  9. Which is the definition of a contrarian.
  10. If you look back at like all the finance threads, I think GG mentionned about 1000 times the impact of the CDS market...
  11. I've never seen so much attention put for the VP position. It's as if the president doesn't exist. This isn't 24 where every year, a president is killed or put out of commission by terrorists. Remember that Quayle was once a VP...
  12. I couldn't find any articles on the new vote... did they re-do the vote?
  13. That's very interesting. I'm working simply in the backoffice of a big bank in Canada (broker division) but I would love to be involved rather than be on the outside looking in.
  14. What do you do out of curiosity?
  15. Because they need the cash flow simply to cover their increased collateral?
  16. Since the banks make money mostly by loaning, i'm guessing yes...
  17. No it won't. The filthy rich will remain filthy rich, while the rest will suffer.
  18. Because for the 100th !@#$ing time, this won't just hurt the irresponsible... of course you're somehow making a bit of money so who cares right?
  19. And this is relevant why?
  20. From what I could see your assets have been seized. Cheers.
  21. Time for a silent thread? I don't think anyone could have predicted the amount of shareholder wealth lost in the last 3 weeks.
  22. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f19451ac-8b39-11...00779fd18c.html
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