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Everything posted by meazza

  1. You're right he is a fraud. I heard he doesn't even know how to use a computer. How long before that brain transplant actually starts kicking in btw?
  2. Just you since you seem to be doing pretty well.
  3. You could look at the Canadian system. No one who posses "une carte soleil" can be refused care. It just happens that if your injury/illness is non-threatening (i.e. you didn't walk in with a stab room directly in the heart or a gun shot wound, you're going to have to wait a good 10-12 hours in the EM for a doctor to see you) It is getting worse though. Doctors are not paid nearly close to what they would be getting paid in the US of A and most are overworked as well as nurses are also extremely overworked due to lack of staff. This is forcing them to flee to places where they will be better paid and leaving the canucks with what's left...
  4. I still think more blood will be spilled onto the markets in the next few weeks.
  5. Not everyone's doing bad http://www.1440wallstreet.com/index.php/si...redit/#extended
  6. No. It's more than obvious that the Joe The Plumber is a setup by people who oppose him but it doesn't break the fact that it is a valid point so whether it's Joe the Plumber, Frank the Mechanic or Yael the lawyer, the question should be answer.
  7. He's never heard of efficient allocation.
  8. Depends. You don't go with quality? GM makes great trucks. They do make crap cars though. I'm Italian but I'd never buy an Alfa Romeo, cuz that's just dumb...
  9. Which is just dumb...
  10. How about we take the money from this guy and redistribute it. Seems he's got plenty to throw away. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbM9EP2G0LM
  11. We have a program here called Benefice Sociale which is basically for the supreme lower income residents. Of course (and this is proven) a lot of the people on this program refuse to try and find jobs because they will be withdrawn from this privilege. Of course when the state tried to abolish this program, it came with protests about the "greedy government".
  12. Alright. Just don't blindly assume that by taking from the higher income and giving to the lower income, you are going to remove the problem of poverty. Quebec is the perfect example of a wannabe Capitalist but in fact Socialist government. Of course someone who would have lived here his whole life would understand what crap it truly is.
  13. You know I live in an area where I pay 40% marginal tax rate (and I'm average income) and the wealthy pay 48-52%. 15% sales tax. As well, there are plenty of programs out their that take from me (the average Joe Public) and give to the poor. Studies show that most of this money is not allocated properly... Of course I also come from a family of immigrants who are pretty successful. You know what their plan was? Work 6-7 days a week, and not spend. So keep that in mind when I have sympathy for the average elitist dude who wants to keep his $ in his pocket. A lot of people are poor for a reason that is their own whether they admit it or not.
  14. Actually, the wealthiest people tend to value their money a lot more than the poorest people. I think that's the reason they got their in the first place, because they spent their money wisely.
  15. Obviously the people who will be cashing in on the higher taxes won't sympathize, but they'll be laughing all the way to the "bank/liquor store".
  16. I think I contribute as much as the "biased" in this forum... You could have the prince of !@#$ing darkness representing the libs on your end and you'd still vote for him, and i'm not just pointing you out.
  17. That's some great statistical analysis right there.
  18. What did he do about it?
  19. It referred to DTCC's calculation. DTCC handles all electronic positions of securities in the US and I wouldn't be surprised if they also provide services to OTC transactions such as CDS.
  20. One of those articles nets the overall exposure to about 6-8 BN. What's your opinion on the impact?
  21. Welcome to Socialism....
  22. Probably those wall street fat cats who got golden show-- I mean golden parachutes.
  23. And this is important why? Again. And this is important why? Why the !@#$ is this important?
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