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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Except idiots in Kansas who don't realize God gave them a brain.
  2. Except that this virus spreads to other people when these people go to supermarkets, etc. Seriously you're beyond ***** stupid.
  3. Ever been to japan? This will be the new normal in many places. I’m glad that I never have to shake hands with anyone again.
  4. Because Florida didn’t take many precautionary measures and given the demographics, you should be expecting a greater spread.
  5. Have you seen any studies that strongly support this hypothesis? Fauci has said this many times that this is virus is most likely seasonal but then you'd expect a complete slowdown of the virus in the southern European states and in Japan in the month of April
  6. Well come to think of it, they did have some weird tattoos of an all seeing ... ah forget it.
  7. Hamilton isn’t a big metropolis. I have friends who work and manage hospitals and this is their war.
  8. I guess he doesn’t have many friends who are nurses.
  9. By criticizing the methods taken into stemming the outbreak and the need for a vaccine.
  10. @Deranged Rhino I’m curious to know in case you haven’t expressed it why you believe that this is being hyped? Have you heard of complete nursing homes being completely decimated by this ? Have you seen how my home country in which nursing homes also have people dying as the employees themselves are too sick to work and the people living there have no one to care for them ? Why do you continue to downplay this ?
  11. As I posted above, the fact that a third wave is going on in Hong Kong and Singapore scares the ***** out of me.
  12. Yes, there are tons of people who were wrong including yours truly. Can we all focus on a plan of how to stop this thing from shutting us down until 2030 or will we all linger on who was wrong when?
  13. Though it doesn’t surprise me that models would be inaccurate based on the constantly changing inputs, it should scare you that places that has this under control like Hong Kong and Singapore are experiencing third waves.
  14. Good post. I keep hearing about seasonality but I have friends who have family in Brazil who are having a hard time fighting the virus and it's summer there. I'm curious about Florida and how its doing in contrast to NYC.
  15. It shouldn’t according to the studies that are going on.
  16. The majority of the population can get a vaccine. This creates the herd immunity without overflowing the health care system.
  17. I’m aware but vaccines have been effective in effectively annihilating many diseases. The flu is tricky as it has many strains while this virus appears not to. This is based on social distancing. I would like to hear the plan once they expect everyone to go back to work.
  18. You need to step off the ledge. Any self respecting medical professional believes a vaccine is the solution because they can be given to everyone including vulnerable individuals (such as pregnant women). The science has not yet proven that any of these treatments are 100% effective which is why fauci, birx or anyone in the medical profession should caution their optimism. This is not a financial incentive.
  19. Except that vaccines are more effective since treatments don’t necessarily stop everyone from dying. I’ve listened to tons of medical professionals on this subject, a vaccine is the most effective but long term solution. Dr birx has also pushed for a vaccine. What’s her motivation?
  20. Vaccines are inherently cheaper to sell than medical treatments. Stop the hate on fauci.
  21. The odds of surviving after being on a ventilator according to some reports is 50%. That’s scary.
  22. I agree. Ben Shapiro has two doctors on his podcast from Sunday who give some interesting info on some clinical trials. Worth the listen.
  23. Listening to trump speak for more than ten minutes will give anyone except Sean hannity tds.
  24. I already addressed this so why do you repeat it? There are multiple clinical trials going on and this is one of them which seems to show some promising but unverified results.
  25. There’s not one western nation that shut down anything or even contemplated it in February and no leader would have made that choice. To focus on that makes you even more intellectually dishonest than you already are. There are hundreds of clinical trials that are now taking place so you should not discount the benefit of drugs to help minimize the severity of cases and death.
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