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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Regardless of the result of the ground war, all you get at the end is new youth movements who grow with an even greater hatred for Israel. Unless the mindset changes, this will go on and on.
  2. He's not doddering, he's just a moron.
  3. Tony Soprano Bathrobe.
  4. Invest money in a losing operation??? 1 bad quarter and it's a losing operation???
  5. Who would bailout Toyota? I'm guessing that the bailout money is mostly for North American companies...
  6. If they have no debt, chances are, they could survive pretty long since they don't have to worry about defaulting on their debt like certain other firms.
  7. Because their bonuses were too big duh!
  8. Personally I think this is a global problem rather than simply a North American or US problem. Good coordination from all policy makers will be very important in controlling this mess.
  9. It is harsh, but he's a dumb ass. Here's a nice video of Avery
  10. According to Bob Mckenzie, he might not play another game for the Stars. http://www.tsn.ca/columnists/bob_mckenzie/?id=258295
  11. http://ca.sports.yahoo.com/nhl/news;_ylt=A...p&type=lgns Could this guy just get kicked out of the league already?
  12. You know I drove 7 hours to go and 9 hours to comeback (massive traffic on the I90) to watch this game. As I listened to WGR and all the other stations and dumbass callers complaining about the coaching to the wind to God knows what, I realized that this is simply just a bad team. Think of it this way, we put ourselves in a nice situation at 4-0 building a nice cushion. At 4-0, we simply needed to go .500 the rest of the way and maybe .600 against our own division. If we can't even pull off that, the team does not deserve to be no where near a playoff contention. I don't know exactly what the problem is. Coaching? Surely can't always be this. Ownership? Ralph is no Al Davis QB? It can't always be the QB Defense? Probably the most consistent unit since the last playoff team. OL? DL? Seems like they are playing half decent... decent enough to beat the Browns and 49ers... Everytime we fix the problem another one arises just like an old car that should be sent to the scrap yard.
  13. So you mean the crap I saw in the parking lot after was just a one time occurrence
  14. I drove to Buffalo to watch this monstrosity in person...
  15. It was posted in OTW. It has nothing to do with the season. It has to do with the consumption minded consumer.
  16. In theory, the head analyst is supposed to state his own opinion even if it differs from the firms to be in compliance with CFA standard Conflict of Interest. Boy I've been studying way too much.
  17. So then implanting gold teeth was a great investment?
  18. Maybe BCE? http://ca.news.finance.yahoo.com/s/2611200...cy-opinion.html The FED has to save everyone
  19. http://www.economist.com/finance/displaySt...e=features_box1
  20. You know, even though inflation should be skyrocketing, investors run to treasuries is probably stabilizing the value of the dollar.
  21. Hold onto your valuables because your money is not going to be worth anything in about a year
  22. It's a giant toilet bowl. A billion dollar disaster.
  23. They play all of their games at Molson stadium. The Olympic Stadium is a giant toilet bowl.
  24. Not sure. I can't predict the future and this is something that even the most experienced investor can't understand. I think if there is ever any future banks whose fate is questioned, the Fed will have no choice but to step in as well. I know that if I'd have anything over 100K to deposit, I'd rather deposit it into a gov't owned entity of Citigroup than Citigroup with no Fed backing. In the long run, this mess will be tough to sort out.
  25. Because they were just doing that. Sucking it up while the economy picks itself back up. What's happening? Traders are betting they will fail and taking short positions on them. Banks that have zero confidence can never survive. It doesn't take much in these kinds of markets. Why is the share dropping to 2-3$? Do you really think it's worth that little? I think if they simply sold off their real estate they'd probably get more than that. And one last thing. How much do you think the FDIC will have to dish out in $$$ to cover the deposits of all Citigroup clients? Probably more than the bailout will cost (although I have not actually verified this myself so I could stand corrected)
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