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Everything posted by meazza

  1. And you sound braindead. Suck it up and be a man.
  2. One thing a radio broadcaster made as a very good point. If you look at the average age of the top goalies in this tournament, they are all very young, Miller, Halak etc. I can't help but think a change is needed. Anyways I'll stand by whatever decision the coaches make. Go Canada!
  3. Not hating on Brodeur but his counterpart was lights out compared to him. Maybe I'm just assuming that Luongo would have been better in front of his home crowd. Canada will beat Germany on Tuesday setting up a probable Russia vs Canada quarterfinal. Should make for an interesting game.
  4. I would have went with Luongo. Playing at home, probably would have fared better.
  5. Miller has been outstanding. Brodeur... not so much. I love how many Canadians branded Canada the undeniable favorite before the Olympics. Guess people will never learn that being good on paper only brings you so far.
  6. The soccer teams you follow are the complete inverse of the Bills and Sabres Forza Roma
  7. Because he's weak
  8. Gordon Gekko is to finance what Wayne Gretzky is to hockey players. Some things should be left untouched.
  9. It's in Canadian dollars so it shouldn't be so bad
  10. I don't think it will be that good.
  11. CTV.ca has everything streaming
  12. What about this quote... The issue came to light when the Robbins's child was disciplined for "improper behavior in his home" and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OOI8zw3X5s Lyrics included just to get yourself ready
  14. except spying on kids at home could possibly lead to child porn and I doubt there's any paper work that can make that legit
  15. True but the Government will just bail out the Government. And then a crass so large will persist, USA will become Canada's 11th province or 3rd territory. I assume a vote will take place to choose.
  16. Maybe the Israeli's will send more covert spies to take out the Iranian's. As long as they don't use my identity that is.
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/02/18/...dex.html?hpt=T2 Looks like another stepping stone toward peace.
  18. I hear they were behind it. http://pcmedia.gamespy.com/pc/image/articl...29023415270.jpg
  19. Do you have any ... "proof"? Thanks
  20. Not a fan of Dell. Bought a laptop two years ago that is just getting worse and worse. Too broke to buy a new one now though.
  21. So far he's come at you with very valid points and you're claiming that he's throwing stones and hiding...
  22. You don't show up at an Italian wedding without an envelope. Seriously, you don't.
  23. Because when you have a negative bias towards something, everything they do is wrong. Just walk away, that's what she should do. If the attack is towards her, I see the point but when someone attacks your children, if you don't say something about it, you're actually a pretty terrible parent. Of course if she would have taken that course, there would probably be a thread saying that Palin is a terrible mother.
  24. Even if that were the case, the topic starter clearly mentionned how Palin is upset at Family Guy? If the topic starter starts a topic stating that Palin was upset at HS, then that would be the topic of discussion. Nevertheless, I highly doubt people should use HS as a benchmark towards what's acceptable because he on his own is the master of being a jackass.
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