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Everything posted by meazza

  1. It would definitely be a very expensive, high risk attempt at extracting resources. Probably won't be developed for a very long time...
  2. I think the big issue is cameras. Everyone has a camera now. I've never owned a camera since I hate taking pictures yet I have access to a pretty decent camera on my iPhone. If this kind of technology existed 20 years ago, I think many of our "classy athletes" would have a much worse reputation.
  3. What would you do if you won a gold medal? You celebrate. One has no right to judge others as classless when is lacking in that particular quality. Cheers to the Olympians!
  4. I'm not taking it personally. I'll just say that on my way to watch a Bills game last year, I stopped off at Niagara Falls for the Saturday night. Needless to say, the bars closed at 2am and the bartenders weren't very busy. I guess I'm just used to something different here
  5. CTV.CA has everything (every event) live and in HD quality. Just plug your PC to your TV (assuming you have a HD card).
  6. Shh.. National = US
  7. Except that the Leafs/Habs suck right now so it's like watching two douche bags scrap it out... And this is coming from a Habs fan.
  8. Yeah Yeah, stop with your anti-titty bias. [/conner+anyone else who doesn't like you]
  9. It's worth the risk.
  10. This is what's wrong with American society. Big deal. What did nice titties ever do to anyone?
  11. Fezmid posted two links about how the whole Audi stuff was fabricated... I suggest you read it
  12. True but just like NFL players braching out (i.e. getting a job in broadcasting), strippers are branching out too, (either becoming hookers or marrying a really wealthy actor, celeb or insert occupation).
  13. Well the average for a city with a booming nightlife is a lot higher. I guess these would be considered outliers as the bartenders/strippers/waiters I know drive Land Rovers while I drive a Civic. I have a bachelors degree in finance, they have a masters degree in silicone. Also, regarding the minimum wage, it is approximately 7-8 CAD which at a full time level equals about 10K less than the average salary so they're not starving to death.
  14. If that would have applied, the government wouldn't have bailed out the bankrupt automakers...
  15. Well the girl has to pay for the implants somehow
  16. Thank you. By the way, seems like some Habs will have a higher value coming back home, i.e. Halak and Pleky
  17. You guys wouldn't happen to know if the Canada semifinal is in the afternoon EST or in the evening? I can't find it anywhere.
  18. It's a free market. They don't have to be friendly, but they shouldn't step in and help a crappy domestic company.
  19. Maybe I'm tired but I don't get what you're saying... I said, Ferrari would come in and take over the small car market. It's a joke obviously. I need to sleep.
  20. I'm stopping all forms of tipping ... starting now.... Unless she has huge cans...
  21. I heard Ferrari was going to jump into the small econobox market. Watch out Detroit!!!
  22. Good job Russians. Show the world your class with late game cheapshots.
  23. Too bad Ovechkin isn't Canadian. He's the only one out of that sorry bunch with an ounce of heart.
  24. You'd think with a power play of Datsyuk, Ovechkin, Malkin, Kovalchuk and Semin, they could score a goal? Looks like Canada vs Norway out there
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