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Everything posted by meazza

  1. People are not having heart attacks, etc in the same number because Covid is increasing the speed at which these people would have died since they have a pre-existing condition. Example, a nursing home here in Quebec got hit with 31 deaths in 2 weeks when they normally had 4 deaths a month. Is that padding? Would they have died, yes, but they would have probably died within the year and not in a span of weeks.
  2. What the hell is wrong with you ?
  3. I think most people would agree as long as they don’t tell their wife.
  4. Pot went from being illegal to being essential
  5. RIP tavaris Jackson.
  6. I agree with you. He's a doctor not a politician. Seems like Dr Birx does a better job of managing the minefield known as the press.
  7. He looks like one of the bad guys on the purge.
  8. Some RW twitter troll i guess.
  9. It’s logical to say that America would have saved lives by shutting down sooner but that’s a fake headline in the sense that shutting down a country a month before anyone really knew what was going to happen is just relying on hindsight. No one would have accepted this kind of action. If you follow what happened in Italy or France for example when they first got hit, the government for quickly implemented restrictions and it was quickly ignored by the general population. Same thing in Montreal for example. I had colleagues on March 13th saying we should all get a beer during the lockdown as this was just an overreaction who definitely don’t believe the same thing now. Thinking that a western society would have accepted acting sooner when all they had as evidence was Asia is not realistic. Exactly. Even the considered competent leaders such as macron and Trudeau waited too long. Shutting down too early would have irked the population. USA isn’t China and you would have had full pushback in February.
  10. This is a fake headline. I watched the interview. Of course the media would love to create drama between Trump and the task force.
  11. If he does, he's lost all credibility. But some here will argue that he's part of the deep state.
  12. https://www.mediaite.com/donald-trump/trump-retweets-firefauci-post-in-response-to-faucis-claim-earlier-mitigation-wouldve-saved-lives/ Put the phone down.
  13. Canada... oops Italy ... oops Sweden... oops France ... oops Spain...oops Germany ok Iran... oops South Korea Ok
  14. Stores here are limiting the amount of people in the store at the same time and ensuring everyone washes their hands before walking in. I also started wearing a mask to be on the safer side.
  15. Maybe timing is the issue? It takes two weeks for the virus to completely disappear.
  16. At this point, what difference does it make?
  17. Maybe. I really wish the politics would be left out of this. I wish the media would shut the ***** up and trump would shut the ***** up. Hey maybe I'm really in the middle.
  18. I think if someone is on a ventilator the medicine might not make a difference. Seems to be in the case in which the virus is beginning to spread. i also read a study in which doctors seem to think that ventilators are actually increasing the risk of death.
  19. Honestly speaking, I'm not sure why you wouldn't just put someone like BB on ignore? My ignore list has grown faster than the COVID spread in the last weeks. Garey Busey has managed to stay off it since he seems like a nice enough guy.
  20. As a whole, Italy is a flat broke country but the north is very rich and has an above average health care system so I disagree with your assesment.
  21. The most important metric that will be available in the future is the antibody test which will give the policy makers a better idea of how many actually have the virus. It will allow for a better idea of the spread and the actual mortality and critical illness rate. Dan Crenshaw on Joe Rogan's podcast yesterday said it best, we retreated from the battlefield by shutting down the economy to allow us to regroup and come up with a strategy. This was necessary no matter what the outcomes actually are.
  22. Yes and sometimes those models will be catastrophically wrong (see Italy and Spain ). In the event that our confidence of the models are low, best to be cautious.
  23. There is no problem with having a discussion about the actual numbers but I’m getting irritated by many who are saying that the numbers are being inflated to cause panic. Models based on ever evolving inputs will show evolving results. The goal is to have the most precise data and we should all thank Italy and Spain for that sacrifice. For those thinking we are overreacting, surely they would feel differently if it was their parents in an assisted living facility where people are dying in high percentages.
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