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Everything posted by meazza

  1. I've said it once and I'll say it again, "what the !@#$ is wrong with people?"
  2. The truth is, the only outrage should have been directed towards the cheap acquisitions some of the banks got due to desperate last minute negotiations. JPM as an example (even though their exposure was higher than they'd like) acquired BS at a huge bargain. Not to mention Warren getting GS Preferred's paying 10% at a huge discount and the real winners of this financial crisis have not been targeted.
  3. Excuse my ignorance but what exactly is the TBD crash? Is that the RJ Flutie era
  4. As I said before, if you want to see a "successful model" just look up Silvio Berlusconi. Shows you exactly what a government subsidized (sp?) news source can give you. All the news outlets are owned by him, good luck finding something dishonest ever written about him though. How many journalists would write about how their boss is a liar?
  5. If you would like to see a clear example of this, look up the news sources in Italy. The Prime Minister owns all the major news agencies, and well, look how good that's going.
  6. The original is the English one. The bilingual was an ad-lib. I'll bet the Westerners weren't too happy about that originally.
  7. Maybe the Earth is just pissed that the movie 2012 was so terrible.
  8. Have you ever seen a rap video?
  9. Why should they be honored? They're taking the glory away from the amateurs? [/EII]
  10. No but he's close.
  11. Unless you're a stripper. In that case, they're throwing money at your behind...
  12. every post from eii starts off "back in the day" who needs progress ?
  13. lol what a load of bull ****
  14. I'll leave it to Conner. He's the king of fake science. Also I suggest (if you haven't seen it) to watch the BBC documentary, " a space voyage". Watched it this week and it's well done.
  15. I don't know if Obama will want to defend the planet against the Borg as he is clearly Pro-Communist
  16. Shouldn't we prioritize on this before the Xindi attack???
  17. But GM is owned by the government, so is Obama going to step up and address the issues?
  18. I still think we should have a telethon. Is Wyclef still available?
  19. dude if you don't enjoy it don't fufking watch it as simple as that
  20. Anyways I just want to say good job USA really had me shaking the whole game. Props to miller and thank you sid the kid!!!
  21. did you see how the players were happy they won. Sure beats your theory about how they are just padding their trophy cases.
  22. good post
  23. lmao you're so full of it
  24. so far looks like team USA has been the instigator in the goalie contact but obviously you will never admit that you're full of it
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