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Everything posted by meazza

  1. That's a good way to help out a cash strapped government, by smashing public and private property.
  2. Makes detention a tad more interesting.
  3. Unless the women's Swedish volleyball team just happens to taking a flight.
  4. From what I have seen, they operate more like a private equity fund acquiring plenty of companies. They came within a hair of acquiring Bell Canada last year.
  5. And yet you accuse others of being racist?
  6. You're right. I bow to the master of DBATINGGGGG. Please accept my apologies for having wasted your time.
  7. You know I was thinking to myself that this part of TSW has really gone to ****. Now I know why...
  8. So Insurance companies will spend excess dollars to ensure that you don't have eough coverage rather than using those excess dollars to providge coverage? Really? Wouldn't you say that it's the result of the obesity rate in the US being higher than in Canada? So why are you pushing an agenda that you clearly don't think is as efficient as it should be? So not only do you have to pay with your tax dollars to support other peoples health care, you also have to purchase other insurance if you don't agree with it???
  9. It's so absurd? I live in Canada you moron. This is what people go through. Hospitals are overcrowded, go read about it.
  10. Ok so you have the choice between risking an insurance company !@#$s you over (for which you could probably protect yourself by going over the contract) or waiting hours, days, weeks or months in a hospital just to get treatment because people with a simple !@#$ing cough will go to the emergency room since it's free and they have nothing better to do.
  11. And yet you accuse others of spreading fear?
  12. I think it has more to do with sheer motivation than actual intelligence. What I'm doing has an average pass rate of about 40% but none of the material is at all difficult, there is a just a lot to know in one exam.
  13. You should just blindly trust the CBO, because without faith, we have no religion.
  14. How could something that costs more not add to your overall costs? And since it's not a revenue producing venture, how can it produce enough revenue to offset the added costs???
  15. What about the assumption that the larger the deficit grows, the higher the probability that the US as country will inch very close to bankruptcy?
  16. Heh. I am aware. I always used to call my Sic friends Arab because they were always a shade darker. Anyways to an Italian, it's the same thing. All the foreign salesmen were black and they used to refer to them as "Maroccini" or simply Maroccons lol
  17. Nah that's more for the French National team Don't worry, you could easily just call me a farmer or a hoodlum, you know being from Napoli and all
  18. Be honest. You barricaded yourself in your house.
  19. So you're Arab?
  20. But don't get it in their eye...
  21. So you're a pasta eating drunk?
  22. So you're Arab?
  23. Italian/Canadian citizen.
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