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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Finance classes around the world will be baffled at what to use in the CAPM.
  2. You'll have to redefine "risk free rate".
  3. If US debt goes from AAA to AA, then the whole world is going to end.
  4. So is Kirstie Alley.
  5. http://www.rightbias.com/Images/taxpayer%20front%20585.JPG
  6. So conner and pbills were shoplifting again?
  7. I'd pay to see her eat a human being
  8. I suppose he'd have to pull a Bertuzzi before he actually gets 5
  9. He got 2 games. I was close...
  10. Really? More than beastiality, golden showers (R Kelly?), necrophilia? I think I'm least disgusted seeing a 1000 pound chick (i use that expression very loosely) scarf a box of crispy creme while she stuffs her face with a bucket of KFC and a 2L of pepsi compared with the rest I mentionned. There are weird people on this planet.
  11. At worst, he'll get a 5 game suspension to which I would be shocked.
  12. You're pretty much spot on. http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=314001 I love watching Ovechkin play because he's one of the best hockey players around but he's a downright dirty player.
  13. Yes. But they're a bad team. Not only are they bad but I tune into sports talk radio about once a week (since that's all I have the patience for) and the level of garbage is mind boggling. I unfortunately because of school/work don't have much time to watch games though but I think this team is screwed for a long time down to the road.
  14. If you feel it necessary to broadcast to the world that you're stepping out for a drink or going and buy toilet paper at the local pharmacy, then I think getting robbed would teach you to shut the hell up.
  15. Down the drain. Players spend more time on St Laurents than anywhere else. Price, Halak, Price, Halak I'm sick of the Habs and sick of the Bills.
  16. When cheap shots like this are not disciplined at all???
  17. Fifa 09 had the song from Peter Bjorn which I only heard because of that game. FIfa 10 has a good soundtrack too though.
  18. After watching Demolition Man, eye scanners will be rendered obselete (Unless the eye has to be attached to a living person)
  19. Happy Birthday I forgot about my dads birthday He would have been 75 on February 3rd.
  20. You forgot to read the fine print. It was a breakdown of Conner's thoughts.
  21. You sure he didn't mean motorboating?
  22. I agree 100%. There are many manipulations that go on and I wouldn't be surprised if it's recurring with every financial institution.
  23. http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2010/03/12/173241/repo-105/ In a statement, Mr Fuld’s lawyer wrote: “Mr Fuld did not know what those transactions were – he didn’t structure or negotiate them, nor was he aware of their accounting treatment,” his attorney wrote in a statement. If I recall, CEO has a fiduciary duty to what's signed off. That won't hold up in court.
  24. I'm surprised there was no stinks caused about Paulson's involvement with Goldman during the crisis.
  25. ... according to the court appointed examiner. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/2e412d50-2d6e-11...144feabdc0.html What's the point of using an external auditor if these kind of discrepancies aren't examined?
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