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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Or maybe this is more suited for Bush?
  2. I'm saying personal benefit. As in, for me to pay 1$ more for a soda will piss me off less than someone who has 10 times my income. Of course I understand the concept, but that doesn't mean I have to agree. One thing I've noticed is that wealthier people actually tend to be more frugal. One reason why they're in that position to begin with.
  3. If I have 1 M in my bank account and you have 100 dollars in your bank account, the benefit of making 1 extra dollar will be a lot higher for you than for me because I have 1M and you have 100D. *I'm tired so i explained it rather quickly and crudely.*
  4. That's because originally the tax system was incorrectly done. Had there always been a flat tax, there wouldn't be big winners and losers once the "new flat tax" would switch the old method. The real argument is economists favorite which is the marginal benefit of one extra dollar by a wealthy person in comparison to a poor person. Of course I don't subscribe to this argument since I live in a country where you're taxed to death.
  5. Maybe he's the Messiah? But regardless, if he is playing a moran, i don't think he can be topped.
  6. I'm really starting to believe that he's not stupid, just mentally challenged. Kind of sad really.
  7. And when they do, they're subject to double taxation... Ah well.
  8. Well since GM is owned by the government, I'd say that has no material impact on tax revenues... Secondly, the returns are actually returned to the shareholder.
  9. Try 15% and welcome to my world. Although with CADUSD at par, I'm thinking driving south to pick up a nice SUV isn't such a bad idea right now.
  10. This is always an enlightening comment: "Money, its not real. I pay high taxes but lead a decent life. So people get my money back for making less...life goes on. More money, more problems. Less money makes you appreciate what you have and what life is really worth living for. Keep taxing the rich hardcore! Trickle down economics is a joke"
  11. Haven't seen anything that would make it NSFW... Hopefully i don't get fired tonight
  12. Better the Sabres than the Sens, Leafs or Bruins. Mazel tov
  13. I wonder if he feels the same way about Catholic Priests.
  14. Nothing important. A thread that was deleted.
  15. That would be the moderators...
  16. Money won't make losing a loved one better.
  17. How much are you going to sue for?
  18. They're playing well. Cheers to Jacques Martin for his excellent coaching on a team missing many key qualities to being a contender. But obviously i can't go to Habs games since I pay too much taxes
  19. Looks like Nationalized Health Care is failing in other countries. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/montreal/story/20...bec-budget.html Annual $25 health-care fee with yearly increases, to $200 by 2012, with a possible health deductible in the future. So not only does the average Quebec resident have to pay 25% of their taxable income (which averages approximately 42-50% of income) to sustain health care costs, they also in the future will have to pay per visit and include a deductible. USA this could be your future.
  20. If the mayor has to take two jobs, I'm not surprised
  21. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/100401/...us_mayor_killed McAfee said police suspect the mayor had been driving around Washington Park, a 5,300-resident town in southwestern Illinois, after working an overnight shift on a second job when the killer fired at him. Talk about a greedy politician, working two jobs to make ends meet.
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