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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Still better than a double quarter pounder, supersized (or changing the fry for a poutine).
  2. Just to add, here is John Arne Riise's goal against Juventus 2 months ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNYbaPB-pbw Forza Roma
  3. AJAJAJAJA!!! Inter had to LOSE this game. Now Roma has to absolutely win on Sunday. I !@#$ing hate Inter Was a nice goal though.
  4. There is one across the street from my apartment. I go from time to time. That and Subway are decent healthy alternatives, provided you make the wise choices.
  5. I take it you never met Ed?
  6. Somewhere in NY, Dick Fuld is yelling at his computer screen and placing pins in his Hank Paulson voodoo doll
  7. The agenda is clear but the practices nonetheless abhorrent. That being said, one should load up on 3 month calls for Goldman.
  8. http://www.economist.com/business-finance/...atures_box_main
  9. Well they could always choose to come back under a pseudonym like DC Tom
  10. I don't get it. It's private web space. If SDS chooses to have AD and anyone else in charge, then so be it. People are free to leave and come back as they wish.
  11. Dude please, this stuff happens in Detroit all the time.
  12. Love the new topic
  13. I live in Montreal. Over here, these places are often packed at lunchtime.
  14. From now till June 6th, I'll be more sedentary (except for 40 minutes total back/forth to work walking and 30-45 minutes of cardio while watching whatever playoff game is on) until my exam is done. Once that's over, it's 1h30 a day including weightlifting and cardio.
  15. One is high in simple hunger generating carbohydrates and the other is high in cholesterol accumulating saturated fat. Funny thing is, the other day I bought two lean patties and some brown whole wheat bread (I haven't had a burger in 4 months). I analyzed the calorie consumption. Two burgers, and 2 slices of toast totaled 900 calories. If the average person needs 2000 +/- 300 calories in a day to function, how can someone eat this on a regular basis and not become overweight??
  16. There are where I live. Maybe you should try expanding this franchise in your area http://www.chopcrazy.com/ http://www.laitue-go.com/salad-bar.html There are 3 in the mall next to my office and they do pretty well. I'm sure if there was a market for it though, you'd see more of these kind of fast food outlets.
  17. We didn't go to the moon, it was all a fraud! http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?ChannelID=124
  18. I see your point but is it KFC's fault that people eat crap? I was 40 pounds overweight for the last 5 years, not because anyone forced me to eat it, it's because I made a conscious choice. It's not nutella's fault if they made money off me
  19. Really? A publicly traded firm refuses to disclose their real financial statements to the public? Are you for real?
  20. Hope it keeps up. Have amazing tickets to game 4
  21. Nice to see Ovechkin playing like the true champion he is 0 shots on goal
  22. Lighten up.
  23. He'll bring it to Anchorage when the Habs win
  24. !@#$ the Bruins. Sweep them damn it!!!
  25. In the case of Conner, he's both.
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