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Everything posted by meazza

  1. http://atdhe.net/
  2. Milito scored 4 crucial goals. 1 to win the Tim Cup. 2 to win the champions league. 1 to win the scudetto. There is the treble. Too bad Mourinho is leaving. He made Serie A interesting.
  3. Yet borrowing rates are still low and the green back is doing well. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405..._LEFTTopStories
  4. I think the Habs players were confused playing hockey on a Saturday afternoon in Montreal. It's hockey NIGHT in Canada Buttman.
  5. Keep rolling your eyes. You might actually make some sense one day.
  6. So you could only pull out 2 examples? It's nice to see one of the underdog teams get far in the playoffs and do well because you know they pushed themselves much more than the "talented" teams. Of course it's amazing how you could say that only the Hawks have a lot of talent. Philly has plenty of strong players but that's overshadowed with their lack of goaltender who somehow has been possessed with the ghost of Ken Dryden.
  7. They call him the special one for a reason. Good God I hate Inter, but the green/white/red comes before everything.
  8. Seems very fitting of you to do that
  9. Looks like the Germans were once again schooled by the Italians Of course the number of Italians and Germans in those two teams probably represents 10% of their respective clubs I think Mourinho is the greatest coach of any sport I've ever seen.
  10. He joined the A.C. Milan Retirement facility.
  11. Anyone care to tell me which one of those players wasn't called up by his national team Love the tribute to Cannavaro and the ass kicking to Ribery
  12. I'm a bit annoyed at the retirees joining some clubs like Beckhman, Henry. I don't have an issue if the player is someone who can make the team more competitive but Beckham, Henry etc are just there to draw crowds and don't have nearly the touch they used to. If Totti ever joins an MLS team, I would disown him
  13. Montreal Impact is joining MLS. Good to see that the league is expanding.
  14. My mood is based on Italy. I don't think they will be that good unfortunately Germany will be there and will be good. So will France, England, Brazil and Spain. I expect an African team to do well. Until US has some real exposure in Europe in terms of players and coaches, i don't see USA doing better than passing their group...
  15. Looking at the call-ups, I'm not looking forward to it. Maradona made some shocking picks for Argentina as well. No Zanetti or Cambiasso??? That being said, the final will involve England. England will be forever ashamed to know that the closest they came to winning was with a wop at the helm
  16. Edmonton Oilers - Since 1986, being a child, how can i not love the great one? Habitant - 1992 - Growing up in MTL, no choice really? Bills - Since 1991 - Don't remember why? I think it was watching Andre Reed play. AS Roma - 2002 - Was a big Batistuta fan. From then, Roma became my team. Italy - Since 1990 - One of the rare memories I have of my dad was going around celebrating with the Italy flag as they went to the final.
  17. A friend of mine had one in his car for 2 years for a DUI. I think the device turns off the ignition if you have any alcohol in your blood. For drunk drivers, it is zero tolerance. It's rather easy for it to activate as just having a piece of cake with a bit of amaretto in it (tiramisu anyone?) or mouthwash can trigger it. I don't know if it can be adjusted to 0.08 but I don't think it is a perfect device.
  18. It's strange. There's no buzz about this round. I think it's the weather. It's beautiful outside. Close to 30 degrees celcius. Maybe the Habs feel like hitting the golf courses?
  19. Ouf, this could get ugly.
  20. I was just thinking of posting that
  21. The last time our respective teams faced, it did not end well for you Buffon = Halak?
  22. Get ready beeotch
  23. I was saying before this mess. For example, this summer I had discussions with some colleagues on why the Euro would replace the greenback in paying for oil.
  24. I think what happened to the Euro will be a very long term blessing for the greenback. I highly doubt investors will in the medium term switch to any other form of safe investment outside of the T-Bills. The Euro by some was touted by some as being the next main currency for oil etc, but when the going gets tough, they will always run back to the T-Bill.
  25. I'm not sure who I'd rather the Habs face. A team that will be super pumped up after coming back from 3-0, or a hated rival that will be on guard after giving up such a huge lead. I hope they battle game 7 out for 20 OT periods.
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