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Everything posted by meazza

  1. I spent the last night as well as the previous 2 months in a coffee shop studying financial analysis and I haven't seen my friends in the longest time. I think I've surpassed your lack of coolness ...
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100526/bs_af..._20100526180323 Ahh the PIIGS want their cake.
  3. Get hijack this.
  4. Depends on the kid. My nephew is 14 but isn't very tech savvy. He's actually a jock.
  5. What about Porto? He didn't win a CL title with Chelsea by the way, he won two league titles. And he also won the treble with Inter. First Italian team to do that. Inter hasn't won a champions league in at least 30-40 years...
  6. Just make sure he stays away from this guy. He is a very bad influence :
  7. Sad to say that I agree with him. The world cup is an "event" more than anything. The Champions League surpasses it because it is more frequent, has far superior teams and strong viewership as well. If you look at Internazionale Milan's squad of this year, hands down it could put to shame quite a few top WC teams. It's also much more difficult to win the CL as you have to defend your league position as well. Remember that only top 4 teams in England, Italy and Spain for example can go to the CL the next year. If you sacrifice a weekend league game to try and advance in the CL, you could suffer not going to the CL next year by losing ground in the league. He will eventually coach a WC team though. He wants to say he did it eventually even if it doesn't mean as much to him.
  8. Well right now, he's going to coach Real Madrid. Says his goal is to win everywhere. So far in the last 10 years, this is his track record: 1 Champions League, 1 Europa Cup and 2 League titles with Porto (in 3 years I believe) 2 EPL's with Chelsea (in 3 years) 1 Champions League and 2 titles with Inter (in 2 years) If he wins in Spain, he'll be the first manager that has won in all 3 leagues. Maybe after he accomplishes that, he'll want to win a WC?
  9. Try and get Mourinho. If anyone could win a WC with the USA, it would be him.
  10. Don't remember his name but if I recall, Czech didn't make it passed their group last year. IMO, Nedved was the greatest, and last good thing they have had in a long time.
  11. You're right. Stagnation is better. That's what makes humanity what it is today, the LACK of !@#$ing growth.
  12. You know the whole !@#$ing point of low skilled labor being exported to less developed economies is that the higher skilled workforce work on other more challenging aspects of the economy, i.e. technology development, etc. The average unskilled laborer couldn't do my job, and that's why I'm paid well for it. If I'm doing a job that's repetitive and could be done much cheaper somewhere else, I'm an overpriced commodity. My parents grew up here in low paying low skilled jobs so that their kids could get an education and be better off, not inherit the same low skilled job.
  13. I deleted facebook not long ago. The reason being I was becoming annoyed with how people seemed to feel that they need to share every single fragment of their worthless life on a website. What really pushed me to delete it, my cousin was leaving on a vacation and she put as her status, "i'm out of town for a week, can someone please take care of my crops?". She had 30 replies
  14. Much harder to dive in hockey. The field of play is much smaller and more refs to see everything. Also, contrary to fact, NHL refs are legally blind.
  15. Yellow cards are usually given for diving but not embellishment. I.e. if i fall to the ground because I WAS fouled and try to milk it, I'm not carded. On the other hand, if I dive and there was no foul, I could get carded.
  16. They could EASILY eliminate diving by penalizing the player after the fact. If a player is said to have dived in a match, the player could be suspended later on in the tournament for a long period of time.
  17. He's right, it's not because countries with cheap labor have a comparative advantage
  18. To draw a foul.
  19. I'm sorry, I just have an issue with laziness
  20. This one is number 1 in my book: http://i373.photobucket.com/albums/oo172/h...u-picture-2.jpg
  21. Geez, there's so much better http://ca.askmen.com/women/votes_350/354_h...ws_anchors.html
  22. Looks like you have an official world class defender... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oguchi_Onyewu He plays for Milan though which I'm not sure if right now, is a good thing or a bad thing
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