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Everything posted by meazza

  1. How can they? Isn't the entire landmass of Israel considered an illegal occupation by some? I'll admit my knowledge of the situation isn't complete in case I'm completely off the mark.
  2. You know the Canadian industry pretty well. Are you sure you're not a closet canuck But your assessment of the banking system is spot on. Someone in my field can at best hope to get a job at one of the big 5 as no one trusts the small asset management firms enough for them to expand much unless you live in TO. For the record I'd much rather move to London or Switzerland than live in Toronto.
  3. Except when it's !@#$ing freezing for 9 out of 12 months a year. !@#$ this I'm moving to Malta.
  4. Of course a counter argument for that is that Gaza is illegally occupied therefore a justified resistance. That's not my point of view, that's the point of view some take. It's a sketchy situation at best and the arguments could go in circles for centuries.
  5. I think the amount of aid on those boats was small relative to how much is usually smuggled in on a daily basis (read that somewhere). Anyone aside from Conner knows it was simply to stir a confrontation. Had they been allowed to port, those protesters would have accomplished nothing. I wonder why the other boats were boarded so peacefully while this one wasn't.
  6. This isn't the first time activists have tried to break the blockade. Although much smaller in scale, in the previous attempt, Israel let them dock and well... no one spoke about it. Perhaps acting similarly this time would have been a better decision? http://www.jta.org/news/article/2008/10/28/110907/gazaboat
  7. I remember at my work Christmas party, a friend of mine tried a "special" version of a tequila shot. Lick the salt, drip the lemon in your eye and drink the shot. After he's like, "it's !@#$ing crazy man"
  8. That's the risk of having a business model based on short term borrowing and no asset base. If I recall correctly, their biggest clients from their strong hedge fund business pulled out at the first drop of blood which further made it impossible to recover. Of course that's the beauty of marking to market, if you're unlucky you could get killed very quickly. What would have been "fair" would have been letting all the IB's be subject to this same market. The government bailouts simply made those who were bailed out unjustly stronger. JPM for instance bought Bear for peanuts.
  9. I think this is the best one: And maybe this one: God the 80's were great
  10. If the banks don't participate in the lending, they are missing out on "potential" profit opportunities and could have their management kicked out by the board. It's a vicious circle of idiots...
  11. The generation of entitlement.
  12. I have no idea... But if you would look at for example, the Canuck economy, there was lower lending standards just as their was south of the border, just not AS bad.
  13. Depends. Isn't the whole basis of a 2/28 subprime that there is virtually no cash down? Isn't that how Minsky formulated his Ponzi unit where in a growing market, you're simply long a call on your property? If not, let it expire worthless and your credit is screwed? Also, given the way the American politics have functioned, wouldn't the next step be to allow those who destroyed their credit get it back through some dumbass government program?
  14. There was no subprime mess here. That is correct.
  15. Because I spent my early 20's smoking 2 times a day...
  16. I used to drive stoned all the time when I was in university. For someone who's not a regular smoker, I wouldn't recommend it but for someone who is high pretty much every day, there's not much of a difference.
  17. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...IDDLETopStories European allies were less circumspect. France and Spain quickly concluded the Israeli use of force was excessive. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said he "condemns a disproportionate use of force." Spain called the Israeli actions "unacceptable." I grow tired of the term, "disproportionate use of force". You either use force or you don't. There is no such thing as proportionate use of force. I'd like to see that in real combat and actually work.
  18. Excuse my ignorance. I failed to recall that they were not full members yet.
  19. in respect to your comment about turkey. Unfortunately they are a member and hold some weight. If Israel were to attack, the eu would have no choice but to take sides with their ally. Not doing so would be retarded. Why form an alliance/union then? Had they waited until the floatilla reached gaza water, they would have had more of a right in the eyes of the international community to search and take control of the boats. The method it was handled now looks more like piracy since it was in no mans land. Of course these minor details is what differentiates a condemnation from allies and a backing. At the end of the day does it really mean anything? To the uninformed (Conner), it simply looks like Israel is trying to stop aid, when in reality, had Israel let the float reach gaza, it would have been considered a victory for their enemies.
  20. Provocation? They boarded a ship in international waters. They're as good as pirates unfortunately... Of course it's obvious that the entire point of the exercise was to show the world that the Israeli's are evil, and the Israeli's played right into it. And of course let's not debate the implications of Israel sinking the ship of one of their only Muslim allies and member of the EU...
  21. What's to debate. This was a PR mission that served its purpose.
  22. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
  23. Weight loss obviously can be achieved by staying calorie deficit for a significant period but you up your chances by building up muscle mass. I started 245 Jan 2010 and now am about 195. I had to stop lifting weights because school/work was taking all of my time and i don't feel as great.
  24. When this kind of stuff sells, no **** people will gain weight: http://ca.lifestyle.yahoo.com/health-fitne...for_your_health The biggest culprit is a peanut butter and chocolate milkshake and it can be found at some Tim Hortons thanks to the company's partnership with Cold Stone Creamery. It packs a whopping 2,010 calories, 131 grams of fat – 68 of that saturated – and 880 milligrams of sodium in just one 24-ounce serving.
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