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Everything posted by meazza

  1. It delays death in the sense that it gives scientists and medical experts time to come up with some proven therapeutics. It also allows businesses to adapt to reduce the risk of transmission. I’ve been seeing a lot of articles about the mistakes made during Spanish flu. Everyone seems to glance over the fact that you will surely have incredible rates of death when technologies and research doesn’t exist at the same level as now and millions of people were literally spending all their time cramped up in trenches.
  2. Sweden has a much lower amount of travelers as opposed to New York. Simply looking at the math, on an average day I come across over 100 people which now is down to close to zero. Just by my actions alone, the virus should spread less. I’m not contradicting that point but to say that the distancing doesn’t reduce death given that nyc and Lombardi have 4 times the amount of deaths during the same period. Same thing with France iirc.
  3. How anyone can say that social distancing and quarantine doesn’t reduce death is illogical.
  4. I watch the press conferences and at first, I thought he was joking but WTF? Imagine that's the person you report to?
  5. Just an FYI, people who survived the Russian flu seemed to fare better against the Spanish flu.
  6. I inject alcohol everyday. Isn’t that a disinfectant?
  7. Is Mike related to Rian?
  8. Yesterday a reporter asked trump if about a policy to test every single person in old folks homes. Apparently there was a governor who wanted to put that in place and he asked if he was ok with that. Of course had the reporter actually followed the guidelines, that’s literally step 1 in phase 1 of the cdc guidelines. How is it that a Canuck knows that but a reporter whose job is to know this stuff doesn’t ?
  9. I was assuming that you did based on your second wave comment. The virus will most certainly return in September but by then, I believe we will be mobilized.
  10. What makes you think that by the fall, treatments won’t be available that reduce the impact of this virus on the people most at risk?
  11. And so was everyone else. Including... Macron, Trudeau, Conte, Johnson, etc.
  12. I watch the pressers and take a shot of whiskey every time Trump mentions that he shut down China in January before everyone else. Heavy alcohol poisining.
  13. It’s obvious what he means but by fall, we should hopefully have some therapeutics in place to reduce the impact. Hopefully people will get their flu vaccine.
  14. I’m behind on homeland but I’ll look out for that.
  15. Pretty sure he never told people to take it without a prescription from a doctor.
  16. Yes but who knows if Saul is actually aware? If he was still alive, why would he not round up the cousins and go after his enemies?
  17. So is lalo dead in breaking bad or not? There is only reference to him in all of bb. Also, lalo may go after everyone for the attempt on his life, all of Gus’s men are alive in bb. I think lalo kills nachos father and nacho kills him and runs away for good.
  18. Just because of your alias.
  19. Looks like we will begin opening up in Quebec very soon.
  20. Deaths usually lag 2-3 weeks from infection. The most important indicator is number of new cases per day.
  21. But it also is positive news with regards to the mortality rate as it will be way lower than 1% even though the contagion rate is much higher.
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