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Everything posted by meazza

  1. In an interview, if someone is being stubborn, he'll never get a job. But I'm a French Canadian and I'm not stubborn
  2. Haven't seen the highlights. The Italy game pissed me off that I just tuned out today. I do know from what a friend said that 2 of the 3 goals Brazil scored were not good goals (handball I believe?), although I haven't verified this myself.
  3. 1) Very possible 2) If they tie, the second place team has to face a top club in the final 16. It's a possibility. 3) Not sure about this one. Too lazy to look it up It just seems as if the entire tournament from the beginning is undeserved, starting from the Ireland game. I always said, "watch those bastards win it all." It would be disastrous, but remember that the 1982 team went on to win the WC after tieing the first 3 games.
  4. Don't count France out. They may not have a coach but you never know. Scandal seems to draw these teams closer together.
  5. I only watched baseball when Expos were there. Everything is interesting when somethings on the line.
  6. You know I went into the tournament thinking that I should be grateful that I got to see a second world cup in my lifetime and that I would respect the man that brought us there. Now that we're two games in, I am seeing exactly what I worried about. Lippi is a stubborn man, he always was. He got it right 4 years ago but this team is lacking creativity up front. With Cassano, Balotelli and Totti at home, it's a shame. Cassano beat up Lippi's son a long time ago. Balotelli - Is it because he's black or is it because of his character, or both? Totti - Lacking fitness. If Italy passes this group second, they will face Holland. With Holland's attack, we'd have to pay 11 men back and try for a swift counterattack. I don't see us reaching the quarters
  7. I think 2 red cards were given. De rossi and someone from team USA or perhaps my memory is failing me?
  8. They held the ball for 90 minutes. Of course possession doesn't guarantee goals. Looks like we'll have to beat Slovakia, if that's even a possibility.
  9. I see what you're saying. I am a purist. Not just for soccer though, even for the other sports. I think changes should be minor but very well thought out. I also don't think they would implement any changes in the world cup. They would probably start with the leagues to see the impact.
  10. When am I not Complete opposite for me. My heritage is 100% Italian and I'm even a half Canuck/Wop citizen but I could care less what Canada does in the world cup.
  11. Germany will pass. Not even worth worrying about.
  12. Would you like to me find the amount of threads started on bad refereeing in the NFL and NHL? It doesn't change much. It slows down the game. Refs will always be bad in every sport. It's their thing.
  13. Do you want to hear my take I just rewatched the game, the full 90 minutes. A few thoughts. 1) Defense needs work. For the first goal, there shouldn't have been as much space for a shot. The defense was playing way too passive. You can't give a guy space at that point on the field. 2) Donovan's goal. WTF are the defense of Slovenia and GK doing? The GK gets out of the way of the shot and the defense was horrible. Still a great shot though. 3) I think the US team showed a lot of spirit to come back down two goals. Well done! I think if the defense could get their act together, they will be a team that will give a hard time in the knockout stages. It is important to note that Ohneyu (sp?) has only played two full games since October back in Milan. He doesn't look fully fit but he should be able to pick up his game. Good luck my friends. It's time to take on the Kiwi's No matter how much history a team has, you're always stressed.
  14. Canada finished 1 point from qualifying... Maybe one day
  15. It happens man. Be happy it didn't happen in a knock out round. Then it hurts ten fold. Good luck against Algeria.
  16. If Capello doesn't pass this group, England will forever hate Italians even more My God what a disaster.
  17. That was a good goal...
  18. You guys talk about how technology changes stuff. How many times have we had this discussion with respect to hockey and football? It happens with every sport. It even happens when NFL refs and NHL refs look at instant replay.
  19. You want to see bad refereeing. That, my friend is horrid officiating.
  20. Do you know how much money was made during the USA world cup in 94? From what I remember it was one of the most successful non-Euro WC's. Don't mistake a bad call with a game being fixed.
  21. I don't think it's crooked. I mean it's Slovenia. Who gives a **** about Slovenia??? If FIFA really wanted to fix a game, they'd want USA to win. There's more money to be made with USA soccer than !@#$ing Slovenia. Sometimes refs are really really bad. It happens. They are a part of the game. I am pretty confident England will beat Algeria this afternoon. That being said, the way to pass would be a win against Algeria and England beating Slovenia. If England ties Slovenia, it will go a 3 way tie breaker at 5 points. Good luck.
  22. They try to make it equal by adding some from all the countries. IMHO, I would just use the refs from the big countries.
  23. If you're talking about a free kick, the USA played fouled him. I agree he whined but the foul was clear.
  24. Wow you're really good From now on, DON'T GET BURNED ON THE COUNTERATTACK.
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