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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Actually no, they are unrelated. The only relationship is war veterans. The students have no class. If you fail to see that, you're the idiot.
  2. Why not start a thread about that rather than using it to justify other people's behavior?
  3. He's a troll. He can't possibly be that stupid.
  4. ... and it looks like they're expanding to Canada. How lovely.
  5. A couple of years ago if I recall.
  6. Because we're moving and both places were rented by family members
  7. Both have been doing well. Hasn't been much unemployment, etc.
  8. Canadian market has been doing well.
  9. Don't get too cocky. Us Canucks are going down as well. Only a matter of when.
  10. I have 2 places for rent if you want
  11. Don`t know if this is true or not but if it is, I`m glad the orders were disobeyed. My link
  12. They don't excuse the behavior of Muslims. They just don't paint the same brush for 1.2 Billion !@#$ing people.
  13. I was 245-250 my peak and lost it to about 195-200 now. It's been a year now since then and I have been trying to drop to 180 using insanity and just daily exercise but my work schedule and my propensity to cheat has made it difficult. Carbs are a B word. Get rid of a majority of them are you'll see a difference, exercise or not.
  14. Looks like it's happening North as well. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/tmx-to-merge-with-lse-in-marriage-of-worlds-premier-mining-markets/article1899380/
  15. As Tom stated above (and what was mentioned before the Euro crisis) the Euro was supposed to be that new currency. Then what happened? Bad news and everyone panics. Investors have the emotional stability of pregnant women. Do you really trust the CNY to be the next global currency just because everything is made in China? I wouldn't bet on it, but what what do i know?
  16. Speaking of doofus idiots, what ever happened to Ed?
  17. Wait for another crisis and everyone will go run to treasuries again. When things are booming, everyone talks tough but when the going gets tough...
  18. All those fourth quarter failed comebacks threw the country into revolt.
  19. Would he make a good LT???
  20. [ur]http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/108256/20110203/berlusconi-mp-caught-ogling-at-escort-website-on-ipad-during-debate.htm#[/url]
  21. It looks like Mubarak supporters are becoming violent. http://www.justin.tv/rockinroosters12?#/w/823452944/5
  22. That's like your shortest post ever.
  23. Take care.
  24. So if no one really knows why, then what does the rhetoric have to do with anything? As bad as this forum is, it isn't as bad as someone blaming Mossad on another forum I saw because this (*^*&%^$^#had Jewish friends.
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