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Everything posted by meazza

  1. One thing to mention (not sure if it already was) but I have a lot of respect for those workers risking their lives to get the situation under control. http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20110316/japan-nuclear-workers-110316/
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12762333 Lock em all up.
  3. Could he be dumber than conner? Serious competition here.
  4. If i remember correctly, AD called him the riddler
  5. Is that even legal?
  6. Reuters Wow
  7. I don`t know much about nuclear power plants but this doesn`t sound very good. My link
  8. You think Rose is responsible for this?
  9. It'll be hard to say "I told you so" when they're dead.
  10. What am I going to reply to that? Most wealth is generated through sales? Even if that were true, you generalize it as if people in sales don't earn their wages? Not even going to bother.
  11. Does one try and wonder how the "rich" got there. For example, I spend countless hours studying (for which costs me my free time and my sanity while working) so I can hope to eventually earn a wage so I can live the "high life" as you call it. On the other hand, I know plenty of people who forgo this sacrifice thereby earning less and paying less taxes and complaining about the rich who earn more than them. Not only that, but the tax dollars I pay go to wasted projects: http://www.montrealgazette.com/technology/Quebec+City+Bettman+answer+always+been+same/4387192/story.html Should one be punished for hard work? Or do you assume that we're all trust fund babies? (not trolling here)
  12. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/13119584#utm_campaigne=synclickback&source=http://www.tmz.com/&medium=13119584
  13. Spot on. Also more efficient though. Want to organize a little get together. Send out a mass text. I hate calling people.
  14. Of course it has a conservative slant but I think it has more to do with the libs left are nuts, but I'm surrounded by socialists (partie quebecois) and liberals so I feel them (the rest of the board). With respect to the video, I didn't watch it as I feel if I get caught up in the debate, not much will come from it. I'm just trolling you trolling LA
  15. I know who they are. Best team in Ukraine. It's not easy to beat them in Ukraine because it's obviously colder. Of course, getting creamed at home and giving up 3 away goals will make a 2-0 victory one of the only ways to pass. If we give up a goal, we're screwed. Champions League is important. Every home game brings in about 1M in revenue for the home team and additional TV revenue.
  16. Yes. They are in the knockout stages. Lost the first leg 3-1 at home against Shakthar Donetsk (yes I know, WHO???) Need to go into Ukraine and win 2-0 to pass.
  17. They will most likely try to boost the marketing. Long way to go!
  18. By the way, Roma is being acquired by an American. So now you have a reason to support them http://www.sbnation.com/soccer/2011/2/15/1995273/as-roma-sale-italpetroli-unicredit--thomas-di-benedetto-llc-fenway-sports-group
  19. I keep it on because it works ok most of the time but when I have to text in french, it changes every word. :@
  20. Texting with the iphone is ****. Especially the auto correct.
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