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Everything posted by meazza

  1. So you basically want to sink down to their level?
  2. My link "Judgment Day will be brought upon us only once the Muslims have killed all of the Jews," a quote from the page read.
  3. What a kitty . He should have just hit that ****.
  4. If the guys sober enough to actually use the app properly ...
  5. There is a difference. You have the opinion that this is a civil war and therefore don't get involved. I can't say I disagree. Moore most likely believes they are there for oil for which I don't necessarily 100% agree.
  6. They'll end up giving it to Qaddafi.
  7. So it was not the snip, snip, it was the seafood.
  8. "blah blah blah, I hate jews, blah blah blah" /jt6p
  9. Got ya
  10. Shrimps are not kosher
  11. I think so but it costs about 50 cents more so !@#$ that.
  12. Only thing i'll say, dating one that only eats kosher is a pain in the ass.
  13. And they don't?
  14. Whatever happened to JA? Haven't seen him post in a while.
  15. How long before they surrender?
  16. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/20/us-libya-idUSTRE7270JP20110320 That was fast...
  17. I have nothing to explain to a troll.
  18. He must have been ripped off from one at an electronics store and never accepted it.
  19. Will Michael Moore make a documentary about Obama now?
  20. A friend of mine is married to a Japanese girl. Told me she was taught in school in Japan that the US started the war on Japan during WWII.
  21. Go look her up on google images . She's scary looking...
  22. http://bravenewclimate.com/2011/03/13/fukushima-simple-explanation/
  23. I laughed at that one. But in all seriousness would they have the right to publish the information of those caught since that's what these !@#$heads deserve?
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