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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't over 50 people actually get through the border? You really think a country that is at a state of war with another country (Syria) will let their borders be infiltrated?
  2. Have you ever seen Israeli women? Maybe they sent them over to the UN to negotiate
  3. I agree. I was mostly generalizing from the opinions you can get just by surfing the internet for 5 minutes. Of course I believe they should hold themselves to higher standards but I do believe security is very important. In terms of the things you mentioned much earlier in this thread (white phosphorus, etc), that is the result of warfare. Besides that, lack of security in some areas have cost Israeli lives (i.e. during the second intifada) and is obviously their priority. Where exactly? Besides Tunisia, I don't see any actual change. Of course it's too early to tell but I wouldn't be surprised if 10 years down the line, life will not have changed much. That's all well said of course is it actually feasible? I'm not going to regurgitate what GG said earlier. I do sympathize with those who lost their land but life is, and never was fair. Oil.
  4. Bottom line, if Israel wouldn't exist, do you think the people living there would have been living in a vibrant democracy? For me that`s the issue.
  5. It's amazing how Israel is the biggest problem in the middle east. Meanwhile Assad paid his respects at a funeral yesterday. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/syrian-toll-hits-900-as-forces-fire-on-funeral/story-e6frg6so-1226060653673
  6. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4071786,00.html I thought you'd enjoy this article. On November 2, 2010, the US electorate decided that President Obama was detached from domestic reality, and therefore dealt the Democratic Party a devastating defeat in federal and state legislatures, as well as in gubernatorial elections. In his May 19, 2011 speech on the Middle East, the President proved himself detached from Mideast reality as well.
  7. Welcome to politics. I'd love to know how bibi would look to his voter base (remember he gets elected) when he signs a peace agreement with a political group who doesn't believe they should exist...
  8. That's a disputed fact. Irregardless, no one ever got anywhere listening to other peoples opinions. They did what they needed to do, and on three fronts, mind you, dominated their opponent. I'm sure Arabs wouldn't have been crying had Israeli's gotten creamed in the Yom Kippur war. I know what your point is, simply put I'm also addressing the issue of how there will never be a peace agreement as long as extremists still have a voice. The first thing Hamas did when they united with Fatah was announce that they would not recognize Israel. The only reason they did was that they did not lose support from the extremists that support them.
  9. Not agreeing with Israel does not make someone an anti-semite. In reality, there are many Jews who are against the occupation in the West Bank and the treatment of Palestinians. You see that simply by clicking on Haaretz.com. Of course this kind of liberty does not seem to exist in Arab countries as you may have noticed in the last few months. With regards to Hamas, it seems that there are some groups inside Gaza who believe that Hamas is "softening". That in itself will make it difficult, let alone impossible to actually negotiate any peace with Palestinian groups.
  10. I saw this on another forum, posted by an Israeli. Don't know how accurate it is but I'm guessing this is what bibi is referring to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIakII4AFnY&feature=player_embedded
  11. It depends. I guess Barak's all think alike? http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/barak-israel-u-s-differences-on-peace-process-smaller-than-they-seem-1.363162
  12. I guess Obama lost the memo?
  13. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/128275-israel-lobby/page__p__2130291__hl__aipac__fromsearch__1#entry2130291 http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/128205-sarah-palin-defines-unconditional-support-for-israel/page__st__40__p__2134011__hl__aipac__fromsearch__1#entry2134011
  14. So you still think Israel controls the world you !@#$ing retard?
  15. My solution to the gas prices is I walk to work
  16. Costs me $50 CAD to fill up a 2000 Honda Civic. So essentially 52.08 at todays FX rate. Cry me a river.
  17. Oil was over 100+ for 3 months. I call that short term and based on the risk premium of the "Arab Spring". I don't agree that this was a bubble.
  18. All I'm hearing here is complaints about Harper getting the majority. You'd think Darth Sidious just took control
  19. I have a feeling that every single policy that Harper will pass will spur riots here. Good Lord I love and hate this city.
  20. I heard he had a sick basement. Surround sound and PS3. Maybe that's how they caught him?
  21. You're right. I've actually stayed away from the issue completely but where do the nut jobs think he was actually born?
  22. Hamas-Fatah agreement I'm posting this because I have two questions that I hope some of you may answer: 1) Due to this reconciliation, how can Israel ever negotiate with the Palestinians? 2) I'm going to Israel this summer, should i be worried
  23. Of course let's wait for a crash and everyone flocks to treasuries again Doomed
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