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Everything posted by meazza

  1. No I'm not happy they lost a game they should've won. I'm happy that this team is light years better than last year and I think there is a strong possibility that we could make the playoffs this year. Happy?
  2. I think he enjoys supporting a team who, after years of being horrid, fights the whole game against decent opponents and so far has a winning record. What do you expect from a team that finished 4-12 last year???
  3. Perhaps we shouldn't be as aggresive on the road?
  4. Europeans are much more !@#$ed than Americans will ever be.
  5. I said regressive, not fair. I'm not here to define what fair is.
  6. Don't try asking him questions. He might get a migraine.
  7. Because you might get run over by rioters...
  8. You too my dear. Go protest. Hopefully they arrest you and deport you to Cuba.
  9. I like how they correlate the "Arab Spring" with the Wall Street protests since it's practically the same thing you !@#$ing retard. No one thinks anymore. Inspiratonal youtube videos FTW.
  10. Not that it affects me personally but the 9% sales tax will push consumers towards the black market. The tax is also regressive...
  11. Did you take a dump on a cop car?
  12. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/10/where-the-top-1-work/246475/
  13. http://www.businessinsider.com/photo-heres-what-chicago-bankers-have-to-say-to-occupy-chicago-2011-10
  14. And when you make $20 an hour, you want $30 and so on. Putting a cap on how much people make/have the ability to make and could achieve is unacceptable.
  15. Despite all this, the US economy is lightyears ahead of Europe. So maybe it's not so bad afterall?
  16. You think we could give the guy a call and ask him to throw in a "bill superbowl ring" in the list of demands?
  17. The game was not fixed but it was a terrible call. **** happens. FFS suck it up bills fans.
  18. Success= not being an idiot... just ask Mike the Situation...
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Buffett Looks like he did it on his own...
  20. How did Warren Buffet get rich?
  21. Judging by this op-ed, I agree. My link
  22. I detest Obama. I was simply asking you.
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