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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Link? Just checked the Bloomberg and there was no news on that...
  2. Another bailout isn't likely. Not even close to "too big to fail".
  3. Perhaps they should have held a vote beforehand not to make irresponsible decisions and get into unsustainable debt in the first place?
  4. To be fair that's probably where he gets all his news.
  5. Since when does that matter when it comes to the general population caring about anything? I personally couldn't care less about Kim Kardashian, I think she's hot and made of plastic but I wouldn't throw her out of bed. Other peoples obsession with celebrities and who they !@#$ has more to do with the lack of interesting developments in their own lives.
  6. I guess because she looks like this: My link
  7. I'm there. Section 122! First time I go see a Bills game where both teams have winning records
  8. First down!!!
  9. That was a great onside kick
  10. I can't believe I'm saying this but Go Steelers.
  11. It's Toronto man, the only time they are excited is during earnings season.
  12. It's game day and this is what you're thinking about?
  13. My link Good job Never in my life have I been an activist but I would have actually fought against this.
  14. Or the amount of distressed debt funds that lost their shirts because of this: http://www.businessinsider.com/rip-dm-sovereign-cds-2011-10
  15. Good luck with the endeavour. I work as a third party for a fund of funds and as far as I could tell, the hedge fund survival rate is very low. It takes a lot of skill to make real returns after fees. Most people focus only on the winners. I'll bet the OWS people have no clue that 10,000 people are being laid off on Wall Street.
  16. An example. The OWS movement in Montreal is requesting that homeless shelters donate their food to the movement
  17. That's funny because as far as I could tell, this is a left wing movement. Obviously a lot of the people don't have strong ties to any specific ideology, but the whole movement is left wing. It's funny because everywhere I go, I see protests whether it be OWS, unions (construction & workers unions) while I'm here 10 hours a day earning my paycheck.
  18. Europe is built on old money. In Italy for example, it is nearly impossible to start from scratch and be successful. At least from what I saw when I was there.
  19. This opening quote is awesome. Perhaps we could put him at LT?
  20. I meant to french
  21. Would you like me to translate it into a language he'll understand
  22. I don't know if it did or did not happen but I don't feel like spending time analysing the balance sheet of Bank of America (especially since it's covered from hundreds of much better equipped equity analysts) based on the report of a youtube video by a conspiracy theorist poster (lybob).
  23. Because a youtube video isn't a source?
  24. We will beat the Jets as I'm going to the game and it should bring some positive karma. I'd expect 5-0. The road games are tricky.
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