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Everything posted by meazza

  1. I visit other forums regularly and it seems as if a lot of the communists are using this as an opportunity to try and bring down capitalism.
  2. I think he scored twice.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsKmOy2wnlM
  4. He had his child in the car. I wouldn't make a choice like that with children in the car unless I thought it was a life or death decision.
  5. Notice how the girl at the end emphasized that it was a Mercedes. Burn himmmmmmmmmmmm
  6. Then why do you live here? Why not move? Because of your love for football?
  7. I'm sure Lloyd Blankfein had something to do with it.
  8. I'm not defending bankers, I'm laughing at your absurd statement. And I guess Islam is really happy that you're representing them on PPP Who was it that flew planes into the twin towers?
  9. Yes, all those crazy bankers strapping bomb to themselves and starting another infitada You fake profiles could be rather entertaining.
  10. Me angry? You think a retard from the internet makes me angry? If that was true I'd have had multiple heart attacks already. I'm simply telling you to shut the !@#$ up, something I do in perfect harmony.
  11. So go !@#$ing meditate and shut the !@#$ up. Or maybe alcohol with a joint will calm you down?
  12. I'm guessing it will slow down here eventually soon enough when the -35 degree weather hits Though I might add, these protests are nothing compared to the strikes the public sector association is doing and the construction workers We are more than used to strikes and rioting.
  13. I highly doubt it. Though I'm quite sure many Americans are unhappy with the current political climate, the organizers of this movement are communists. This isn't Europe.
  14. First of all, I am not religious therefore God doesn't have a meaning to me. Second of all, I don't believe in following a set of rules from ages ago on how to run my life. You're referring to here. I'm referring to Italy where there are many who are quite sick of the mafia.
  15. I agree with Tom, you're an idiot.
  16. I didn't say it was pretty, just the reality. I'm Italian and the first thing you hear about is the mafia. Many Italians don't agree with what goes on but do they really want to take the risk of going against them? What would the most likely result be? It would take a large movement of individuals to fight back when all they want to do is live a normal life.
  17. Sorry not into those kind of fetishes.
  18. I really think they should take away your right to vote.
  19. Because confronting them would endanger themselves? Remember the extremists have a nothing to lose mentality while the moderates want to live normal lives. Doing something might get them killed. Inciting change takes balls, and the risk of death. Good to know you feel so highly of us alcoholics. I'll have a drink on your behalf.
  20. You're quick to judge without any proof? What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
  21. So it's the EU's fault and not their idiotic policies?
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