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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Win for Soros? Distressed debt. Never fails.
  2. I actually had this discussion with my brothers the other day. I had 3 siblings and my dad used to drive us around in a beat up le sabre. My brother now has 5 kids and he feels that there's no way he could get around without an Escalade
  3. How about Sarkozy, Merkel, Berlusconi, Papandreou? I didn't know you were so religious.
  4. When I originally heard of the hearings this morning, I figured it was simply for the missing client money but what exactly is he supposed to say about going bankrupt? "Uh I !@#$ed up"
  5. This girl doesn't even know what the !@#$ she's studying. It's chartered not certified, there is no score, simply pass or fail and just by that sentence alone violated the code of ethics Ok i'm venting.
  6. Thank God the UN is there to protect the rights of people who have no idea what they're protesting.
  7. U.N. Envoy: U.S. Isn't Protecting Occupy Protesters' Rights
  8. Damn Albertan. It's 7% here but it's colder where you are
  9. As GG said in the QE3 thread, until housing picks up, the economy will pickup at a snails pace. The current European crisis and the mis-handling it by Europe's leaders is also not going to help business confidence.
  10. I don't want to work... progress! Figured you didn't see that little tidbit Dave.
  11. There are quite a few brokers here that are advertising on getting Canadians to buy second homes in the US such as LA/Miami/Vegas. Probably not a huge impact but should help stir some demand for housing. The drawback is that you'll have more Canadians around you.
  12. Once again, if they don't will you shut the !@#$ up?
  13. And if they don't will you shut the !@#$ up?
  14. Trust me, I've read quite a few "analysis" of the Sopranos finale and I get it, doesn't mean I have to like it. It might be brilliant but it didn't do it for me.
  15. I'm pretty sure that he didn't have an idea how season 2 would be and so on. That's TV. He probably has a long term path and a general idea but he could be cancelled from one season to the next. Ok maybe I was a bit harsh on the Sopranos. Entourage's series finale was the worst EVER!
  16. Breaking Bad' creator has no idea how show will end
  17. I started watching this show Friday and planned to watch one episode a day. I got hooked and just finished season 4. !@#$ing Epic That being said I enjoyed the little Scarface reunion. Poor Manny has no luck The show could have ended at season 4 and I would have said "best show ever". Let's hope they bring back this level of brilliance for one more season.
  18. And what will be the impact of a credit downgrade? The 10 year hitting 1.5%?
  19. I agree 100%
  20. This is depressing. When the opposing fans send you condolences rather than trash talk, it means you suck.
  21. My bad, forgot the mandatory photo Margaret
  22. That is a common misconception, not only by OWS. OWS is just doing something about it, or think they are. On a humorous note, on Bloomberg TV this morning, Margaret Brennan was interviewing a trader at NYSE. She asked him if he had any trouble on the morning commute due to the "day of action" and he responded that he gets in much earlier than 7 am when most of the protesters were sleeping since 7 am would be considered late
  23. OWS is quite clear. They are Marxists.
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