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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Is there scientific evidence that me wearing a burka prevents me from transmitting my germs to you?
  2. Thanks for the reality check. The masks are again, to reduce the chance of a covid carrier who may not know it transmit it to someone else. Obviously washing your hands and covering your mouth are fantastic ways of doing this. Not sure what the problem is. What’s the slippery slope? Mandating people to wear a mask when walking into my business is to protect myself and other customers.
  3. Yes I’m not quite sure why everyone is against wearing masks.
  4. The video doesn’t say that. My mother made masks out of old clothes since she used to be a tailor. Once you’re done for the day, you throw it in the sink with some soap and you could rewear it. Of course those masks don’t help you as much as prevent you from spreading the virus to others which is what we should all be doing.
  5. 0.4. Our health minister says we have roughly 250,000 cases (based on the serology tests from other areas) and there are approximately 1300 deaths so that must be the death rate.
  6. Some of these governors really don’t want to be re-elected.
  7. I live in the downtown area of Montreal. Normally a Saturday night would be lively but it’s been death for 7 weeks.
  8. Wow that’s batshit insane.
  9. Pretty sure that bill is still ordering hookers by the truckload to help him get through this:
  10. Sugar coat what? You’re gloating because people are unemployed. Do you realize that this has happened everywhere in the world in the same manner?
  11. According to the article, before covid that area was booming. Sounds like an extremely poor, if not the poorest area. @Chef Jim thoughts ?
  12. Thanks for posting something completely new.
  13. Isn't Colorado run by a Democrat? We're opening up next week here. Pretty sure Quebec isn't run by a Republican.
  14. I thought he was pretty good last year.
  15. You should probably purell your hands when touching the mask. Even if you end up touching your mask with your contaminated hands by accident, you won't be spreading the virus through your breath. My mom is making masks from old clothes.
  16. https://www.cps.ca/en/documents/position/update-on-covid-19-epidemiology-and-impact-on-medical-care-in-children-april-2020
  17. Why the ***** did you have to quote that entire post?
  18. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  19. This is a virus that takes a community effort to beat. I’m not for locking down anyone but if someone doesn’t see the benefit of wearing a mask as to reduce the spread, I don’t understand why.
  20. Yes Candace isn’t very good at all. I lost interest after listening to her on Rogan. I don’t think she’s into DMT. Tom Hanks virus. That’s awesome.
  21. Was he the guy in the founder?
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