And how would you distribute scarce resources? As far as I could tell, Capitalism seems to be the next logical step after an attempt at command economies. Just ask China & Russia.
And this didn't happen in non-capitalist economies? Are you telling me there is less income inequality in other countries?
Which is why there are much more communist/leftist and fascist parties in European nations in contrast to American?? They don't sound pacified. Try starting a new life in countries except for Germany and the UK and go see where the opportunities really are. Just ask my parents.
As far as I know he, as do I want government regulation. The issue is the regulators are usually ten steps behind.
Closer to fascism? Are you !@#$ing stupid? With all its !@#$ing problems, 9% is the highest unemployment the US has seen and Canada's is not very high as well. Contrast that with the Eurocrats and go see where the real problems lie. The grass is always greener on the other side but there is much more opportunity for growth and to get yourself out of a rut here than in any other nation that isn't an emerging market (which is just !@#$ing natural since it's an emerging market).