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Everything posted by meazza

  1. So basically you have nothing?
  2. You know this year, I had a lump on my arm. Cost me $1,000 out of pocket to get it checked out because going through the public system would have cost me a wait of 6 months to a year. Many people like me are turning towards private because the public system is terribly run. How much you want to bet that the notional amount I pay in a year in taxes directed specifically towards health care and throw in the out of pocket medical expenses is 3-4 times what the average healthy American would pay in insurance. Get your head out of the clouds.
  3. Buon compleano
  4. Adam's gone EMO on us?
  5. But his whole selling point was that he is different (not that I bought it either way. Which is the same thing that happens anytime Bush did something. But he did have the majority for two years.
  6. So you're basically saying, Barry's as bad as the previous guy?
  7. And to start a thread comparing Iran to Sarah Palin not biased?
  8. I think World of Warcraft is the real problem, and McDonalds serves salads.
  9. Yes but how do the little old ladies you ripped off by selling them shares of RIMM feel
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPG25Wf0aa4&feature=related "I'm voting democrat because I'm an elitist" These videos were done in 2008 by the way.
  11. Yep I'm not.
  12. Live a little. Let the wife drive the kids around
  13. Acura is boring though reliable. Live a little, get one of these. http://www.audi.ca/ca/brand/en/models/a5_coupe.html
  14. I've already paid royalties to Tom. How do you think he bought his bentley?
  15. I disagree. For example, the MB GL450 is not as fun a drive as the Escalade.
  16. Cadillac's are nice but that's it.
  17. You should go for this one. Tom's Bentley A nice conservative car.
  18. I remember this quest. Yes, this game is awesome.
  19. I'm back to school and work until June so I won't have much time to play. Maybe a quick 30 min per day. I definitely won't hit level 50 for a while.
  20. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/1da5a092-2d9d-4dcf-b48b-574996411e26.jpg
  21. Playing on a good machine has really upped my enjoyment of the game. Level 22 Sith Warrior.
  22. That's because you're smart and they're dumb. See how that works?
  23. And what's the problem? If they're too expensive, don't buy them
  24. I think this post sums up why this game is awesome Can't wait to see it with full graphics.
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