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Everything posted by meazza

  1. It seems as if the Sith have returned. (Yes I know too much SWTOR)
  2. That's no moon...
  3. WTF are you even talking about? There is an arb opportunity and it's getting even smaller and smaller due to freer flow of information and as long as there is one, black box trading will still exist of course as Tom stated above, you need a huge amount of capital to exploit these tiny mispricing in the market. Same thing exists with regular goods, I buy in bulk and sell it to my consumers at a profit specifically because i buy in bulk
  4. Knowledge costs money or do you want free financial advice to go with health care? Super fast trades profit on arbitrage unless you'd like to program black box that finds the increasingly small difference in price of JPY/AUD between London and NY?
  5. Soylent green is people.
  6. Yes but Tom is a silver spooned Bentley driving 1%'er pretending to be a military contractor.
  7. Ignore him and he'll go away.
  8. Politics is a tricky thing. Most people here vote for the Liberals as the alternative is the PQ which would mean that if they came back into power, people like me would be rounded up into labor camps to rebuild the french empire
  9. I certainly don't living under the Charest tyranny.
  10. I agree with her but it's still an interview on national TV, she could at least come up with something better than "The prophets have notified me"
  11. Very concise thought out response to the question.
  12. Required photo: http://http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_XxI1hBl8el0/TT9JwWqGDgI/AAAAAAAACxg/danXGg2E1xM/s1600/3213873908_012dfc1ca9.jpg
  13. Palin's daughter was at OWS?
  14. How has the involvment in Israel and Palestine cost lives?
  15. At least we have the women to keep our minds off the crumbling buildings and bridges.
  16. Is it because you didn't see the same argument in a Russian sponsored youtube video?
  17. I'm actually trying to show the difference between Quebec and the rest of Canada since Quebec is much more the left than the rest of Canada so I fail to see your point.
  18. I've abandoned my thesis as I fear there are more pressing matters of reaching level 50 all the while trying to maintain a decent social life
  19. Do you drive a Honda Fit?
  20. For the record (though I'm not American), my marginal tax rate is about 38% (Emoticons don't work)
  21. Actually Mitt has much of his wealth in his IRA so whenever it's cashed in, he'll have to treat is as ordinary income. http://http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204468004577168972507188592.html?mod=WSJ_hp_LEFTTopStories
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