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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Every desk has their risks and hindsight is always 20/20 but one of the issues is that risk managers aren't always given an ear since if they really knew more than the traders, they'd be working on the desk.
  2. looks like a controlled demolition to me.
  3. It became blue when we signed Super Mario
  4. Didn't notice that's still there.
  5. Trolls are lower.
  6. My link
  7. I didn't realize you examined all the evidence?
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/23/justice/florida-teen-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  9. I'd still rather drive a German car which is why I switched.
  10. And yet you always keep coming back.
  11. It was a joke... That's why I leased.
  12. Well it was between that and a Honda fit...
  13. Audi man... Audi My cousin in Italy bought an A8 and got to drive it back home from Germany. Now that would be fun
  14. I'm with you. I just leased an A4.
  15. I used to be a truck driver and had no issues backing up cube vans except for the one time i smashed a sign at a Mcdonalds drive through... but that was going forward That being said, the more and more technology you put on a car, the more you end up dishing out when it eventually breaks if you keep your cars out of warranty.
  16. It's useful on bigger vehicles but I agree with you. Wait until those parts start breaking and see how people feel about the mandate.
  17. The problem with the international tournaments is that these players don't know each other that well so there is often not the chemistry seen when you watch league games. Soccer is a pure capitalist sport. Very rarely will a team that isn't super wealthy win any important trophies. The goal is to effectively build up your team by winning these lower level championships, sell the players and try to climb up the ladder. Sometimes, a Russian billionaire will come along with some extra cash in his back pocket to buy a team and make them a top contender. That being said, winning your domestic league is prestigious but winning the European cup (champions league) is where the big prize money/prestige is.
  18. Generally people become crazy when discussing Israel. During Cast Lead I used to hear friends of mine talk about how it was an injustice and war crimes though I never heard a peep from those same people when Syria wipes out protester after protester.
  19. Because it sounds good as Magox pointed out.
  20. The entire point of investing in bonds is the protection of being subordinate only to bank debt if there is ever a bankruptcy . Equity holders on the other hand are subordinate to everything and usually get wiped out in a bankruptcy so effectively they are SOL. Another important point. Usually bond investors come from mutual funds/etc and have clients that are effectively income centered i.e. pension funds, people close to retirement so effectively you are !@#$ing over not just some big bad bully on wall street but a lot of people who probably depend on that income for basic income. At the end of the day, anyone attached to the company is SOL so why do workers get a sweet deal (overpaid uncompromising workers at that) but other contract holders are the ones who are SOL? Yes she's doing quite fine if you ask me
  21. I know. My wife owns a few cadillacs.
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