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Everything posted by meazza

  1. And what does that have to do with me or any of my posts ? Have I made any specific claims about the origins of the virus or anything related to the nature of the virus ?
  2. I don’t know. Why don’t you just ***** tell me?
  3. The ignore feature is great
  4. Why do you feel the need to troll ?
  5. You keep referring to Trudeau and him disarming Canadians. Why are you assuming I’m for that ?
  6. Tell me again how Asians wear masks for pollution as opposed to viruses? ***** asshat.
  7. Yes anything that counters your opinion is irrelevant.
  8. What the hell b**** gets converted to crazy b word?
  9. Are you trying to compete with kemp and the crazy B word word for the least informed poster on this board ? And anti semitism. And anti italianism. No the entire western world was caught with their pants down.
  10. Guess what they do in Asia? They wear masks. Not just during pandemics.
  11. I endorse all forms of xenophobia. Well the media will always cite Korea but I think Taiwan and Vietnam were better at it. Japan failed in my opinion.
  12. I’d be ok with drones sniping at people who reply under YouTube videos. It’s for the greater good. By the way Ramadan Moubarak.
  13. Will there be a drone sniping at offenders?
  14. He said in the video that 1/10 people who have the virus are actually tested. Others say 1/20.
  15. I spray mine with water and rubbing alcohol and leave it dry for a day.
  16. I guess we’ve seen different studies. Face coverings prevent particles when speaking or coughing though it may not be 100%, it is more effective than doing nothing at all. Same thing with washing hands and sanitizing objects such as our phones. This is what they do in Asia and they have been more successful but obviously, they have more experience. Stay safe!
  17. I agree. I’m against the lockdown now that we’ve had enough time to build supplies and prepare hospitals. We as a city will be opening up slowly on the 19th.
  18. So if I understand correctly, Americans are responsible enough to make the right decisions with regards to their health and safety and covid 19 but these same Americans can’t figure out how to properly wear a mask?
  19. I don’t buy that you’re not being sarcastic.
  20. If you’re breathing into a mask or a scarf, how do you transmit the virus assuming you don’t touch your mask and touch an object?
  21. Then why is breaking 911 saying it based on a clip that doesn’t say it?
  22. Trudeau has not gotten involved in the management of this virus, it has been at the provincial level and it is recommended but not mandated. Why the sarcasm? You hide just as the lefties with multiple profiles and troll when I haven’t been disrespectful or trolled. I am not billsstime or Gary or tibs.
  23. Incorrect. A mask blocks you from possibly transmitting the virus when speaking with someone. Does it protect you? Probably not.
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