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Everything posted by meazza

  1. The health minister of Quebec at once point mentioned herd immunity and was forced to walk back. When the second wave hits, cities like Montreal, NYC and Milan will most likely not be hit as hard.
  2. Fauci said in February that this was nothing to worry about.
  3. Fauci to warn of needless suffering and death. Is this with regards to the murder hornets ?
  4. My mom made them and my wife wears a burqa.
  5. Is it because the Jews have the cure ?
  6. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.27.20081893v1?fbclid=IwAR0CJ_E7H7AMA-6-AfdHiIDlEQquczQEDGjXBrLJBYhMsu_nMI4FVvHU9Jc
  7. Scott Gottlieb posted this yesterday night on Twitter.
  8. Money well spent! Tony Ferguson already had cte issues. This definitely didn’t help.
  9. 2https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.27.20081893v1?fbclid=IwAR0CJ_E7H7AMA-6-AfdHiIDlEQquczQEDGjXBrLJBYhMsu_nMI4FVvHU9Jc We're seeing this in Montreal where areas that were hit are no longer getting hit hard again. @Hapless Bills Fan
  10. I didn't realize that it was better not to be prepared in life?
  11. Jesus. Sorry i forgot what we were all talking about.
  12. Again, comparing 1918 to 2020 is complete logic.
  13. Here is why you fail in your analysis: 1) The Spanish flu was very bad for healthy young people and extremely devestating for pregnant women and their unborn children. 2) The Spanish flu was during a period of war therefore most people were probably having a hard time getting food, medicine and water based. 3) The technology differences between 1918 and today are obviously exponentially different. I heard we burned people during the plague to flatten the curve. Do you want to do that?
  14. Staying inside is one method but were these people washing their hands and being cautious when coming into contact with relatives who haven't been home?
  15. Welcome to the forum Mr Berlusconi.
  16. A friend of mine is a native from Senegal and he told me that the infection rate is rather low there. Generally, the population takes it weekly so he attributes it to that. It could be or it could also be that it's hot and humid as ***** in Senegal.
  17. Perhaps it works but the heart issues make it ineffective for the people most likely having complications with the virus?
  18. Think for yourself bro. Clearly someone is thinking for themselves if they parrot, word for word, another source for which they trust such as Reality Check.
  19. Task force winding down in a couple of weeks.
  20. Good luck on your trolling mission.
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