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Everything posted by meazza

  1. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
  2. No *****, it's on the tv 24/7.
  3. Exactly, there's no shortage of data now but decisions were made based on data two months ago.
  4. I’m pretty sure the discussion was about the initial two months of the virus. March and April was very difficult.
  5. Chef Jim is a republican ?
  6. Exactly. Hindsight is 20/20. I'm old enough to remember when our government completely downplayed this virus in early March while Italy was clearly turning into a nightmare. Policy makers are not deviant sociopaths that can plan the next conspiracy but rather career officials who just keep making bad decisions as they try to look out for their own asses.
  7. No one is happier in seeing dead Alabaman's than BillStime.
  8. They are preventing people from coming in to avoid community transmission.
  9. That line was crossed a long time ago.
  10. Forget instances such as the flu or covid which will only require ~50% of the population to prevent it from overflowing the medical system but what about a highly contagious disease such as measles which requires close to 90% immunization and can be extremely dangerous to children, pregnant women, etc? Isn't that worth having Bill Gates track you through a microchip?
  11. I'll be honest and admit I didn't watch the video (RIP NJSue) but it should be enforceable. The only issue I see with the flu vaccine is that it's difficult to enforce since it's required annually in constrast to other vaccines which are life long. Of course I live in Canada so it might end up being.
  12. My client is mandating we work from home until September. Yes and it will be tremendous.
  13. Do you not trust Trump into ensuring that a vaccine will be safe?
  14. How does it not stop the spread? Not that I'm a fan on infringing people's liberties but as vaccines are for the public good to prevent deadly diseases such as measles, how shouldn't it be mandated?
  15. That’s great but you know there are dumb ***** out there that will take anything they hear on tv without thinking twice. That’s why I think it’s irresponsible for him to say that.
  16. 90% of all content on the internet is now basically bots. He is one of them.
  17. The 80's called, they want their foreign policy back.
  18. If this was the case, France would be distributing it in droves and their death rate would be close to null as they were one of the first countries that began using the drug. Most likely, as some have specified, this virus ravaged through certain parts of the country and tapered off and will hit other parts of the country later in the November.
  19. Even if this is true and I'm not completely discounting it, it is a medication that can have some side effects, specifically to those that have heart issues which are most likely the people to have issues with COVID 19. It still hasn't been shown in clinical trials to help in later stages so other therapeutics and a vaccine are necessary at really combating this virus.
  20. Have you ever taken HCQ? I have plenty of African friends who took the drug for preventative treatment with malaria in their youth and yet most developed countries suggest the malaria vaccination as HCQ is extremely painful to take that it is practically a form of child abuse.
  21. Not sure about Turkey but India has extremely hot and humid weather which has shown to reduce the spread of the virus. Let's be real here. The parts of the world that have been badly hit all have colder weather.
  22. As I said, it might have some benefits but has been shown not to in later stages of the infection. They have also been buying it up by the pallet because if it does turn out to work, then just as any other medication, they want to be ready to distribute it. New York has been giving HCQ for a while and yet people are still dying so perhaps, it's correlction rather than causation.
  23. If HCQ was so effective, then France and Italy would be using it exclusively. I'm sure it has some benefit in certain cicrumstances but to label this a conspiracy is why I can't take any of these discussions seriously.
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