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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Exactly. He’s just a troll bot.
  2. Fair enough.
  3. You’re right my memory failed me. Personally what happened in Georgia was much more egregious based on what I’ve seen.
  4. Seriously he had the ability to cuff him 10 seconds into the arrest.
  5. Maybe. Either way, I haven’t seen much aside from an autopsy report contesting that the police officer was responsible for his death in some way or another.
  6. At the very least, what he did was assault. If that was someone i knew, I’d be angry as well and no one would classify me as an SJW.
  7. More accountability as well. Again, it’s not normal that it takes this long for a cop to be charged in such a clear cut case.
  8. Has he ever found that plane?
  9. You obviously don’t follow many influencers.
  10. I’m not sure what’s worse, the riots or the fake solidarity by all the Facebook warriors or influencers on Instagram.
  11. What’s so civil about war anyway ?
  12. Arrest the cops involved ?
  13. Man Gavin must be pissed.
  14. Still doesn't explain why it's taking so long to arrest the cops. Why are you telling me to ***** off? Is this the right way to start a friendship?
  15. Which doesn't help when the people involved in the crime which in this case is pretty clear cut are still not behind bars. It should not take 3-4 days to arrest someone when the evidence is clear.
  16. They are going to bring the Rona to space those bastards!
  17. What seems to be ignored in all these discussions is that they are taking way too long to arrest the other three officers. In Georgia, it took way too long as well but once the footage was available, they were promptly arrested and riots didn't seem to start...
  18. Do you really think Trump is smart enough to even know who Walter Headley is?
  19. I agree. There's not much doubt in this case that they should have been arrested.
  20. Too many useless threads.
  21. I'm trying to get @Tiberius to stay in shape and healthy and all you could post about is Trump. You have no shame.
  22. Well this isn't just a Trump thing. I have a lot of colleagues who are from France who are debating the very same issue.
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