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Everything posted by meazza

  1. As soon as trump is voted out of office, the media narrative will change and these kinds of policies will lose support.
  2. Exactly. Nothing is better than the sweet corruption of Italians funneling government money into their coffers through construction and sanitation contracts.
  3. Both parents are from Salerno, now give me your money.
  4. You should try extorting the local businesses to give you cash in exchange for protection. It beats working.
  5. Both of them are from the same town.
  6. Mayor's should have finished high school. Apparently not in Minneapolis.
  7. Does this mean the bills won’t win the super bowl this year? Asking for a friend.
  8. Both of my parents are Italian so I disagree
  9. Learn how to link properly @BillStime
  10. Exactly. When tibs is the voice of reason we’re all *****. i hope his knee is doing ok.
  11. I thought you were targeting me for being silent.
  12. I'm not white.
  13. I guess the lefty propaganda machines are hitting football forums now. No looting
  14. I was sworn to secrecy.
  15. He called us all idiots and left for the wasteland of Twitter. Of course, he's doing the same ***** on twitter because as we all know, Batman can't help but to fight crime. I agree.
  16. Safe to assume they aren’t Italian Canadians ?
  17. Is that wolverine?
  18. The 4 cops.
  19. I disagree with #4. I point the fingers at the « rioters » and the cops. We should all be united in condemning them. I agree with the rest.
  20. Probably protesting his acne.
  21. Funny, 2 out of those 4 are on my block list and 2 I never read.
  22. Trust me he doesn’t like Jews either. They are considered white nationalists to lefties. They conveniently forget that most of them are mizrahi.
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