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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Yes I think you're a nutjob. A special kind of nutjob to be honest. Of course I also focus on the other nutjobs. If it makes you feel good about yourself that you're getting attention, good for you. You also seem to be obsessed with the site since you know what's going on when you already spend enough time crusading here but you do you bro. There you go again proving my point.
  2. I changed my username on the other forum. Is this a gotcha moment for you? What about you lurking a site you were banned from?
  3. You just enjoy proving my point. Your mind is so warped it's quite scary.
  4. Question for you B-Man, what are your thoughts about all this? You obviously know my opinion but I'm curious how you see it.
  5. Of course it’s wrong . What if the party doesn’t deliver or shifts from what made you a voter ? This is precisely why the US is stuck voting for Pepsi or coke. Because no matter what your party does, you will defend them by saying « what about the other party ».
  6. Yes being a hyper partisan is a great plus 🙄
  7. I think if you support a party no matter what (which is your case obviously), then you’re just as full of it as someone who says they are independent that aren’t.
  8. The squad is much more radical.
  9. And yet you are ? 😂😂😂 You wear your party affiliation on your forehead. You’re no better than those you criticize.
  10. Only the western world apparently ?
  11. And yet despite all that nearly half the country still voted for the guy who had the most negative coverage you could possibly imagine and the rest voted against him. Let’s be real, no one voted for Biden they voted against trump.
  12. I don’t know, I’ve seen people who didn’t even know what a communist was all of a sudden start sharing the most insane ***** from more typical right wing sources. The left has always been insane ever since I first opened my account here but the right has come back in force and they aren’t your classical conservatives.
  13. Correction, the left and right have gone off the deep end.
  14. I haven’t had a chance to watch the full video but the topic seems centered on logistics rather than corruption…
  15. Groundhog Day. No matter who is in charge in Israel, this will always be a problem.
  16. When cannabis became legal, we were warned not to purchase with credit or debit cards because we could be black listed from returning to the US as there would be a paper trail and marijuanna was illegal federally.
  17. Jail obviously.
  18. What happens to Canadians who try to bring marijuana into the United States?
  19. It’s what I have been seeing on twitter and from some of the old posters here on another site . Letting France lead the assault on qaddafi was considered leading from behind but aiding Ukraine against an aggressor is just contributing to the swamp. The diplomacy has to come from Russia. They and they alone have the power to stop this. They won’t.
  20. And all your right leaning friends probably oppose any aid to Ukraine and call zielinsky a nazi. Funny how things have changed.
  21. Jesse was terrible. Seems like he forgot how to play pinkman.
  22. This is why I made the parrallel to Israel and Palestine. The discussion might be nuanced but there is also the big picture in which one side will never truly accept the other and always claim grievances. The result is a 70 year ongoing conflict.
  23. My point is that the Ukranians will be easier to control but there is no guarantee that the Russians will abide to any agreement.
  24. You mean like when Russia agreed to let grain shipments go through via an agreement and yet still decided to bomb the port where the grain was passing? This feels like an Israel - Palestine discussion in which everyone is harping on Israel to stop retaliating to rocket fire.
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