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Everything posted by meazza

  1. What about Joe Biden laughing while Paul Ryan was debating him in 2012? Was that not a new low?
  2. After how Romney was the perfect gentleman and was completely destroyed by the moderators and the media, why do you think anyone would act any differnt? Trump is a petulant child but this should be expected after what happened to Romney.
  3. Better at what exactly? Exactly. I mean I personally would rather live in Canada than in the US but I'd love to hear his reasoning for why it's better.
  4. We’re shutting down again, ***** me
  5. I'm not sure that someone will all of a sudden snort cocaine based on the fact that it's legal. If you were doing blow off a hookers ass before it was legal, chances are you'll do the same after. Portugal is an excellent example of how most drugs were decriminalized and the approach was to help users rather than incarcerate them. PS: This thread may have gotten off topic but this is the real discussion we should all be having as it is the root cause of these kinds of incidents.
  6. You’ll pay for it anyway. Does policing actually make a difference ? Pretty sure that obesity is a bigger cost.
  7. For once I agree with tibs. If people want to pollute their bodies, then so be it.
  8. I'd guess one of the answers would be because they fizzled out and stopped impacting the west. Ebola was never really an issue here, H1N1 died out and SARS 1 as well since they were not nearly as contagious. That doesn't mean i completely discredit your theory by the way.
  9. Israel is an outlier for me. I fully expected them to have gotten through this unscathed but my nephew who works at a hospital in Tel Aviv tells me the Covid unit is swamped and they got hit hard back in March.
  10. From what I understand, this was in response to a drug related crime? My stance will always be that drug laws are useless.
  11. I agree. Politics has made us all crazy.
  12. He will be re-elected imho.
  13. People actually think trump won’t leave if he loses. He’ll just tweet his ass off until Twitter bans him permanently.
  14. I thought you had switched sides.
  15. This wouldn’t happen if they legalized drugs.
  16. If you have a problem with my statements you’ve been here long enough to know the ignore function. Since when ?
  17. Sports > politics.
  18. The cold war called, they want their foreign policy back.
  19. One of the only bright spots for me as a new parent in this period is getting to work from home. Wake up 2 minutes before a zoom call after pulling an all nighter.
  20. You should see the procedure we have to follow at my office lol
  21. I'm a lib you asshat?
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